Are you seeing this RIAA??? Someone thinks Dimmu Borgir are mainstream...either the apocalypse or our final victory (same diff, ain't it?) is close at hand.Unpronounceable_Symbol wrote:Album: Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, Dimmu Borgir.
I don't listen to much metal, so keep that in mind as you mock my mainstream-flavored choices.
And don't worry....people will mock you on Dimmu because Dimmu is Dimmu, not because they're playing the main stage at Ozzfest.
Album: can't decide
Song: even fucking harder
Do you pick "When The Walls Come Down" over "Roswell 47"? What about "With Strength I Burn" and "The Trooper"? Can one honestly make a choice between Human and Master of Puppets, and deal with leaving out Filosofem and Still Life? I have a hard enough time deciding favorite records from a single band, let alone across the whole genre.
[Bands referenced in order: Evergrey, Hypocrisy, Emperor, Iron Maiden, Death, Metallica, Burzum, Opeth. In case people didn't know right off.]