The American Metal Question

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Post by rubyeye » Mon Mar 08, 2004 3:37 pm

Kai Stromler wrote:Or maybe get a vendor concession for con that Nightwish video? buy the CD at a buck above wholesale!!...something like that.
Hmm. You know I was just thinking that most METAL music goes well with Anime. I mean, anime is mostly fantasy and scifi (we'll leave the contemporary stuff to the hip-hop crowd).

How would you sell a connection between metal and anime?? The concession idea sounds cool but I feel most folks are more interested in the Japanese music (Jpop). Then again there are some Asian metal bands like X-Japan, Seraphim, Vigilante, and Shadow.

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Post by nailz » Mon Mar 08, 2004 3:41 pm

actually, Kai, thats a pretty good idea. The problem is, would it be profitable enough to spend an exorbant amount of time on it? A con is where people blow money left and right with little or no reguard, so it's possible. rubyeye: I didn't know nightwish was off CM's list. :( ... however, Blind Guardian, Children of Bodom, Finntroll, Flowing Tears, God Forbid, Iced Earth, Lacuna Coil (who are rapidly gaining popularity here in the states), Nevermore, Sonata Artica, and Tad Morose are on thier label too (at least, listed as of now) .. That's pretty much a killer lineup of the folk/power metal thats out there.

I'm not a big fan of any of those other bands, with a possible exception of Aryeon. Alas, there are some awesome bands that have yet to obtain a record contract in the states, IE Mercenary and Tuatha De Danann. Though, it would probably be costly to promote them here, they being from god knows where (all bands, not just these 2) ..

Bah... so who wants to just say fuck it and open a metal bar?
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Post by rubyeye » Mon Mar 08, 2004 6:06 pm

nailz1000 wrote:... however, Blind Guardian, Children of Bodom, Finntroll, Flowing Tears, God Forbid, Iced Earth, Lacuna Coil (who are rapidly gaining popularity here in the states)
That's because they are the closest sounding to this "nu-metal" shit. Not that they are, but you know how "musically uneducated" & "unsophisticated" most Americans are when it comes to music, or metal for that matter. Like my folks say, "how can you listen to that noise?"

Why do you think LULLACRY was signed on to headline for NIGHTWISH for their US tour this fall? (listen to them) For that matter, why do you think Nightwish have suddenly grown in popularity (note the # of amvs here)? I'd like to think it's their music, but do you honestly think they would be if Evanescence didn't exist?

Speaking of Nightwish.......


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Post by nailz » Mon Mar 08, 2004 6:32 pm

Ploink! Magic Cupcake! <a href="">Elvenking</a>. I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome I am.

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Post by nailz » Mon Mar 08, 2004 6:37 pm

and yes, I agree that Lacuna Coil is only poplular because of Evanescence. I also agree that a lot of people are discovering Nightwish because of Evanescence, but you know what? Who cares? They're all 3 closer to metal than the majority of "metal" stations will play. If Evanescence is responsible for building the bridge over the gap of Nu-Metal to Metal, then so be it. I couldn't think of any other band with such a heavy and balanced influence in both generes.

I would be proud if Evanescence were credited for bridging the gap and bringing good music to life again. ... Pun not intended.
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Post by ithaqua » Tue Mar 09, 2004 12:01 am

nailz1000 wrote:and yes, I agree that Lacuna Coil is only poplular because of Evanescence. I also agree that a lot of people are discovering Nightwish because of Evanescence, but you know what? Who cares? They're all 3 closer to metal than the majority of "metal" stations will play. If Evanescence is responsible for building the bridge over the gap of Nu-Metal to Metal, then so be it. I couldn't think of any other band with such a heavy and balanced influence in both generes.

I would be proud if Evanescence were credited for bridging the gap and bringing good music to life again. ... Pun not intended.
Great point.
Hey, look at how many people started listening to Ministry and Skinny Puppy after hearing Nine Inch Nails or Marilyn Manson.

Mainstream doesn't mean bad, and it helps people find new genres. You need to be exposed somehow.
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Post by kiaraiskiara » Sun Mar 14, 2004 6:12 pm

While I was reading the 1st article/post, I was but 1/6 into the article when I had an intence compulsion to put on some Slayer... And I did. Metal is a wonderful thing that many of these so called "rockers" and "Goths" (preps in black) spit at. I have seen it happen. You might think me spiteful using the quotations, but anyone who: #1 classifies themselves with a group, and not as individuals does not reseve too much respect from me, and #2 have the audacity to say metal sucks... Quite a few times have I overheard a "Rocker" b**ch, whine, and moan about how none of their ever-so-loved MTV bands were not playing at OzFest this year.... That fool should have thanked his Gods that the bell rang when it did, or he would have had an educational seminar on the MTV/radio society that controls our youth, and how he was just too weak to stomach metal.
I haven't listened to the radio for months... Here in Florida, there are no Metal stations, and DEFINATLY none in sunny goodygoody West Palm Beach... I survive just fine and dandy with my burned CDs... mmm-yep! ^_^
I am very fond of NightWish, I have burned quite a few of thier CDs. (mind you, I am one who burns from friends, so, until I get enough moneys to fund for myself I shall continue onward) I think it's great how they have so much fantasy referance. I made an AMV to the song "Ocean Soul". The funny thing is, is that I also love Fear Factory that's SciFi that is on the flipside... Can't wait till I can find a match with it... >>grins minaicly in glee<<
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Post by Flint the Dwarf » Sun Mar 14, 2004 7:17 pm

I wish I were in Florida. Kamelot and Iced Earth are both from there (shut up Nailz). You should check them both out if you haven't, they both use lots of fantasy themes.
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Post by kiaraiskiara » Sun Mar 14, 2004 10:37 pm

Kamelot and Iced Earth...? Alright, I'll do that... Iced Earth in Florida... Hey, I know this isn't metal, but have any of you heard of the Alaskan band 36 Crazy Fists?
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Post by ithaqua » Sun Mar 14, 2004 11:25 pm

A friend of mine was a fan of 36 CrazyFists for awhile, but I haven't listened to them myself for some time.

If you like Fear Factory, you should check out bands like Ministry (Psalm 69 is a classic album) or KMFDM (their new one, WWIII, has a very metal feel).
Die Krupps is good too, as is 16Volt.
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