has the org become female?

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Post by Arigatomina » Sat Jun 02, 2007 12:55 am

Otohiko wrote:1) I resent gender-classification in videos. For what little truth there is to it, there's always lots of exceptions.
I agree with this. If I download a random video, I don't care if a male or female made it. That doesn't have anything to do with there being more female editors active in MEPS, more female members active on the forums, or any of the other 'female increase' generalizations I listed. Even the VCAs. I think those have more to do with the editor than the video itself - at least as far as the nominations go. Unknown editors rarely make it into the voting (outside the obligatory "new editor/first video" categories). If people are voting according to editor, gender could play a very big role on their decision.

It was easier before. If there are more guys, it's natural that more guys win - because there are more guys to pick from. Now that there are a lot more girls, it seems a little strange that the 'best' are still all guys.
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Post by Arigatomina » Sat Jun 02, 2007 12:57 am

jasper-isis wrote:Actually, don't mean to hijack your thread now, but since we're making generalizations, here's something I've been wondering...

A lot of people seem to become more active in the forums around the age of 19. Is there a trend here, or am I just imagining things?
That's not hijacking at all since most of those 19 yr olds are girls now. :lol:
Generalization! No twisted panties allowed!

Seriously. I'm 27. I was still pretty active a year ago. I assume most of the people I see posting are teenagers, but I don't actually know that. Maybe we should have an age poll to find out... >.>

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Post by BlaCk_PeArL_27 » Sat Jun 02, 2007 1:06 am

:D that's nice if we have age voting and genders too so can be knows who is really active on the .org

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Post by Arigatomina » Sat Jun 02, 2007 1:25 am

BlaCk_PeArL_27 wrote::D that's nice if we have age voting and genders too so can be knows who is really active on the .org
A lot of people already mention their gender in their profiles, or they'll mention it once they start getting active on the forum. Age on the other hand...that's a hard one to remember. And there's no telling with new members - I see a brand new dbz/naruto name and I automatically assume it's a teenage guy. ^^;

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Post by downwithpants » Sat Jun 02, 2007 1:29 am

mm, actually i notice girls posting more commonly in the donators OT than the forum average- jaddzia, nessephanie, ileia, wurpess, shazzy... what's sq? well, eh look at the photos thread

and don't worry, there are 'token girl' moderators behind the scenes too. :roll:
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Post by BlaCk_PeArL_27 » Sat Jun 02, 2007 1:41 am

Arigatomina wrote:
BlaCk_PeArL_27 wrote::D that's nice if we have age voting and genders too so can be knows who is really active on the .org
A lot of people already mention their gender in their profiles, or they'll mention it once they start getting active on the forum. Age on the other hand...that's a hard one to remember. And there's no telling with new members - I see a brand new dbz/naruto name and I automatically assume it's a teenage guy. ^^;
well ari there's a girls too are addicted in dbz and naru but I can't tell which is which bcuz their user name and their post >_<"

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Post by Shazzy » Sat Jun 02, 2007 1:48 am

29. Don’t believe the crap about the patriarchy. More women are accepted and attend college. More degrees are awarded to women than men. Women outlive men. More men commit suicide. Men are twice as likely to be victims of violence, including murder. If you consider sexual assaults in prisons, twice as many men are raped as women (society thinks prison rape is funny). The streets are littered with homeless men, sprinkled with a few homeless women. Statistically, women are happier than men. The myth that girls are being cheated by are educational system is belied by the fact that schools are bastions of femininity, mostly run by and taught by women. Girls outperform boys in school. It is the boys in school getting fucked over, and prescribed ritalin for being boys. Real wages for men are falling, while real wages for women are rising. Just because someone says something enough times, doesn’t make it true. You have nothing to feel guilty about.
Before anyone posts an essay detailing the logical fallacies in that quote, it's only included it because I found it amusing and semi-relevant.

On-topic, though, I do notice more vids by females ending up in my "AMV keep" folder; any vids I have that are 3+ years old were made by males.
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Post by godix » Sat Jun 02, 2007 1:48 am

A) While I'm still tolerated the org doesn't have a female voice. Not because of anything I do but rather that a female dominated forum would never tolerate my humor and many wouldn't even realize there is a difference between jokes and misogyny so I'd get tons of accusations of being sexist. In reality I rarely hear that. I can only think of once and that was on IRC instead of the org itself. I'm much more likely to get PMs bitching about my more ummm creative and disgusting comments than my sexist ones. So the fact that I'm not permabanned is one of the bigger indicators the org is not female dominated.

B) The rules and social conventions of the org targets and runs off predominately male behavior. Males are much more likely to flame which leads to banning. We're much more likely to be the 'OMG Naruto kicks so much ass. lets count the ways he's cool' stereotype which many actively try to get to leave, or at least shut up. We're also much more likely to not read/ignore other rules which leads to banning or mocking till they go away, depending on which rules we're talking about. A simple glance as the bannings people know about and the behaviors that lead to those bannings proves the point. Cornwiggle for harassment. Hatter for just being a loud combative moron. Me for flaming (twice). Now I'm not complaining about the rules since by and large I agree with them, even when I'm violating the hell out of them. I'm also not against the social enforcement against certain behaviors considering I'm one of the people most likely to do that. I'm just saying those things tend to drive off male behavior while leaving female behavior alone.

C) Most of the female domination you see is due to a small handful of women. There are maybe four or five females really active in the forum but boy are they active. Similarly there may be more female dominated MEPs than male (I haven't counted) but it's generally the same females for each MEP. Plus you have to strike Stolen Soul's many many MEP activities off the female list now. Journals are the same, any female domination there is primarily due to a small handful of people. So those categories of female domination say much more about how active some members are than it does about female/male orientation. As an added bonus, a fair number of the active females are of the tomboy type than the little princess type so their 'voice' tends to be closer to male traits than female.

D) A glance at the announcement forum right now shows 3 by people I know are female and 11 I know to be male. A super search shows that there are 27240 romance videos, the type you would expect the typical female to gravitate towards. There are 69991 action videos, which is the category you would expect men to be more interested in. I just don't see the claim that females are announcing more or that videos are tending towards a more female voice.

E) I strongly suspect some of the popular videos made by girls are popular primarily because 15 year old boys are sitting around thinking 'Hey, she has titties, I'll give her an all 10 op so she notices me!' I can't prove this of course but there's two very well known female creators that I've been attributing that as their sole source of popularity for years now because lord knows they don't have editing skills.

F) Yes, females are more tolerant to trolls as Sammy, kickass, hatter, and to a lesser extent black pearl shows. However trolls and idiots still get flamed, usually in a matter of hours. Which tends to indicate a strong male presence rather than a strong female one.

Of course keep in mind I'm speaking generalities here. As Oto said there's always lots of exceptions.

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Post by Arigatomina » Sat Jun 02, 2007 1:50 am

I think the photo thread is an exception. We seem to have an unusual amount of pretty girls versus 'normal' ones on this forum, if you go by that thread. :P I'm hoping it's because pretty girls are more likely to post pictures of themselves in an online forum, and not because most of the girls on the org just happen to be pretty (except for one or two of us who abstain from posting pictures, or post derogatory pictures of ourselves any time the issue of looks comes up).

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Post by Arigatomina » Sat Jun 02, 2007 2:06 am

godix wrote:So the fact that I'm not permabanned is one of the bigger indicators the org is not female dominated.
You can't be serious. Do you know how many women lust over that 'House' series just because the main guy's an asshole? Just browse the journals here sometime. ;p
I'm just saying those things tend to drive off male behavior while leaving female behavior alone.
Maybe that's why we have a shortage of guys on the forum these days. Too many bannings target men who aren't "nice enough" to play with the girls. :cry:
C) Most of the female domination you see is due to a small handful of women.
I know. But it's fun to pretend that there are more of them - and not that the few present are active enough for three people each. You're such a spoil sport.
I just don't see the claim that females are announcing more or that videos are tending towards a more female voice.
I said that point was unverified. Don't be so picky. I don't check that section very often, so I can only base it off how many girls have posted on the random occassions I *do* look. Maybe I just have good timing so I'm more likely to catch the girl waves.
E) I strongly suspect some of the popular videos made by girls are popular primarily because 15 year old boys are sitting around thinking 'Hey, she has titties, I'll give her an all 10 op so she notices me!'
I like that. And here I thought it was because girls were more likely to give ops to friends and their friends were likely to be 'fellow' female editors. I didn't even think about the guys. o.O
However trolls and idiots still get flamed, usually in a matter of hours. Which tends to indicate a strong male presence rather than a strong female one.
Ah, but that's you, Requiette, Minion, and Cornwiggle. If you count four guys as a sign of 'male presence' you have to count those four overly active girls as a sign of 'female presence'. Right?
Of course keep in mind I'm speaking generalities here. As Oto said there's always lots of exceptions.
Generalizations are fun. Give me a female member of the org who can flame as well as any of the guys here and I'll toss my gender generalizations out the window. Girls are way too nicey nice. ;p

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