Not so. The height of arrogance is to say "There is a higher power, it created me, and it specifically cares about me and what I do to the exclusion of all else that is". That is arrogance of the highest degree. To place yourself above the rest of the universe is probably the greatest arrogance possible, absent multiple universes.Beowulf wrote:There is a God. To not believe in a higher power is probably the ultimate arrogance.
Make a few simplifying assumptions, run the numbers, and then give me the odds. You cannot, in all intellectual honesty, make the claim that it cannot happen. Well, unless you happen to know fuck-all about statistics, probability, and randomness.Beowulf wrote:A million monkeys pounding on a million keyboards WILL NOT produce the works of Shakespeare
Start laughing. If you think all of evolution is random, you really have no clue what you're talking about.Beowulf wrote:If I was God, and there were people walking around sincerely believing that all this incredible stuff I put together was a product of trillions of years of random chances and misfires, I would be laughing my ass off.
Astronomy is a wondrous field.Beowulf wrote:All you have to do is look up at the stars on a cloudless night to figure out there is a lot more to life than science.
It's called "Last Thursdayism". It's unprovable, unfalsifiable, and makes no predictions. It's pretty worthless.godix wrote:There is a theory that god created everything just the way it is now and seeded fossils in the rock to throw us off the correct answer.
This is called "Young-Earth Creationism". It suffers from a dramatic dearth of evidence.godix wrote:There is another theory that micro-evolution is true but macro-evolution is not so god made one type of cat which went through changes to produce all the felines we see now.
Oh, do not pull this semantic crap with me, godix. You're smarter than that. In the context of science, 'theory' means something very different. It doesn't mean 'idea'. That's a hypothesis. A scientific theory is a system that explains current evidence and makes predictions. Evolution is very well-supported by the evidence, should one bother to actually check. Yes, it's been changed and added to. That is the nature of science. If you want solid and unchanging, go back to the Bible.godix wrote:Now personally I do believe in evolution and I do know more of the facts behind it that the vast majority of believers, however my point is that evolution is not the only possibility to explain the world we see today. Unless there's someone around that can honestly say 'Yeah, I remember the day when the amoeba grew legs and walked out of the ocean...' then evolution is a theory. And not even a well established theory like gravity, it's a theory that's undergone a lot of changes and appears that it will go through more.
And please, stop abusing the English language. What has it ever done to you?