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Re: Why are you in such a good mood?

Post by Jadecavy » Sun Feb 19, 2012 1:19 am

Drinking wine (out of a mug, classy) and winding down after an awesome day. :D

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Re: Why are you in such a good mood?

Post by Radical_Yue » Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:29 am

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Re: Why are you in such a good mood?

Post by Pwolf » Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:35 am

Worst... but amusing non-the-less

/me gets back to editing.

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Re: Why are you in such a good mood?

Post by AaronAMV » Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:37 am

i have a date today

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Re: Why are you in such a good mood?

Post by Pwolf » Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:42 am


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Re: Why are you in such a good mood?

Post by Brad » Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:23 pm

It's been a long time coming, but the place I've been freelancing at for the last 9 months or so has decided to bring me on full-time. They gave me the offer on Friday. I spent the weekend to mull it over, had some salary negotiating to do. Didn't get it all the way up to what I was hoping for, but it's good nonetheless.

So yeah! My day-to-day routine won't be changing much (I've been coming to the same office for a long while now), and I'll be making a considerable less amount of money, but helllooooo benefits and security. Plus whenever we decide to get a new apartment, having an actual payment agreements from my employer to point to will help out a lot (since our credit blows).
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Re: Why are you in such a good mood?

Post by ZephyrStar » Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:17 am

I have a 2009 scion xb.

I have replaced the windshield on it TWICE so far, due to random rocks. I'm not an ass rider, as the people riding with me can attest, both times previously I was several car lengths away from anything. Both of the previous replacements cost $500 each or so.

This summer, it happened AGAIN. Rock out of nowhere, put a good size chip in the windshield. Being pissed about it and dejected, I didn't immediately repair it because I knew it was going to cost me a whole new windshield. Yeah it was a chip, but some very small cracks could be seen, and I knew these would just get bigger.

This weekend due to the cold weather, the crack ran all the way across the windshield.

So begrudgingly I called my insurance again. I had contacted them when it happened, and they told me it probably wasn't worth the price of the deductible (my deductible is $500 also), so either way I'd be out $500. (Insurance is different in NC, in FL the last two were replaced for free because of some FL law about not wanting people driving around with busted windshields)

Then I called the glass place. $240, brand new, installed, tomorrow, in the parking lot of my work.

betterthanexpected.jpg :bear:

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Re: Why are you in such a good mood?

Post by Prodigi » Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:43 am

Just got my fourth tattoo, and first time the whole concept/design was done by myself.

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Re: Why are you in such a good mood?

Post by Chained(E)Studio » Fri Feb 24, 2012 8:46 am

eating french toast and banana, yummy ='3

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Re: Why are you in such a good mood?

Post by AngelDragoon » Fri Feb 24, 2012 9:51 am

Even though my school was being ridiculously stupid today by ignoring the road commission's warnings and keeping classes going, (even if it's the Friday before spring break...), my organic chemistry teacher canceled the exam that was suppose to be held today. While I still went to school because I didn't get her email until after I arrived, the exam is now going to be the Tuesday after next with a whole week of relaxing in between, so I can't complain. Now I can at least catch up on some sleep. :bear:

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