The Vent Thread

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Re: Vent Thread

Post by JaddziaDax » Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:45 pm

Castor Troy wrote:People still download videos?
how else can they upload them to youtube?

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Re: Vent Thread

Post by Enigma » Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:14 pm

Finally fixed my sleeping habbits yesterday, ended up going to sleep at 7 in the morning today because for some i didn't get sleepy at all. fuck sake

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Re: Vent Thread

Post by Jadecavy » Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:25 pm

Something hates me. 4 different Kias and Mazdas today.



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Re: Vent Thread

Post by Dr. Derpface, J.D. » Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:27 am

WKU (where I went to school) vs. Louisiana-Lafayette earlier this evening. 70-70 right at the end of the clock. Louisiana hits a game-winning shot, but they hade SIX PLAYERS ON THE COURT and the stupid refs didn't call it...

<Fire_Starter> Stirspeare: college=failsauce?
<Stirspeare> Fire_Starter: Electoral college etc.

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Re: Vent Thread

Post by CodeZTM » Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:42 pm

This is really petty, but it pissed me off.

I came home after working a full tax season shift, and was told that we were having company over (very irritating relatives). I went upstairs to take a nap before the assholes showed up (didn't sleep well last night), and damned if my sister/mother started singing a serenade downstairs to try and wake me up so I could turn on a DVD for them (which they know how to do)! Well, joke's on them, because I disabled them from the internet (played with the router). Good luck with your facebook stalking and music theft later! Mwhahahahahha.

They'll get it back when I get a solid 6+ hours of sleep again, or I'm not on my man-period. >:|

[If it wasn't such a money saver to live at home for another five months, I'd be out of here before you can say "oi"...]

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Re: Vent Thread

Post by Otohiko » Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:05 am

As of today, I don't have any family left in this country, with all of my relations at least a few thousand miles away, and I won't get to see any of them for several months now. Not that it's a huge difference from them being in the country and still not being able to see them for months on end, but somehow this fact irks me and makes me feel like more of a foreigner here than ever before. I miss Russia, though perhaps more accurately I just miss my life in Russia where even if my immediate family wasn't around, there was still a close-knit network of relatives and friends who'd always physically be there. And even if noone was around, I'd still at least feel a sense of connection with the place itself. Since I'm single, have no friends in this town (though at least Todd's within reasonable driving distance!), live alone for all effective purposes, have no car or money to travel and am so broke that I will be living on pasta for the next month, that's well... not a great feeling at all :(

Add to that, now that we're past all the holidays and back into working mode, with fun times over, school problems looming, days still short and weather still cold, I know that within a month from now I'll be totally running out of energy, be motivated to do fuck-all, and be somewhere between being a bitter dick about things and being desperate for attention.

The good news, I guess, is that by now I know myself well enough that this usual winter cycle will be a total non-surprise and I can do stuff to soften the impact of it. Ain't my first least-favourite-time-of-year alone, and I guess like anything it gets easier with time. I also know that I have productive work to do. But no amount of positive distraction is going to spare me from bitterness and lack of energy, and the glimmer of hope offered by at least being a good teacher and useful employee is probably just going to push me further into that abusive relationship that work seems to have with me. And coming home (which is really just a room in a foreign country) after work with noone waiting for you and your family reduced to a bunch of skype contacts just fucking sucks and goes against everything that I grew up valuing. But I guess there's not much to do on that except be all Russian, see it all as some sort of cosmic curse, and continue to work to prove that said cosmic curse is either totally unfair or is simply a test of whether I'm worth shit. However having to draw my sense of worth from a job/institution that doesn't treat me that well and skirts ever closer to clashing with my ethics is really pretty fucking pathetic.

tl;dr: I miss my family and (along with other things like seasonal blues and work) it's in the process of turning me into a bitter fuck over the next few weeks ;___;
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Re: Vent Thread

Post by Chained(E)Studio » Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:32 pm

Stupid vet told me my cats didn't have Ear Mites ://// WELL guess what??????? I've been checking regularly to see if I spot any debris from the mites. I haven't seen any and so I assumed "WOW" the vet is right =3. BUT noooo, my one cat Cinni had black ears last night. So I rushed all over the place trying to find something I could use at home to help him and my other cats. Cause if one has it, they all have it. Luckily I was able to get most of the debris out, some of it is just too far down.

Trying home remedies since I'm mad at the vet cause it can turn into Mange and get really bad. Going to be busy for next 2 months cleaning my cats everyday to get rid of them. Annoyed.

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Re: Vent Thread

Post by JaddziaDax » Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:04 pm

I feel like hell :(
I feel like I'm gonna throw up, my head hurts, my asthma is acting up, I'm coughing really hard, and just all around icky :(

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Re: Vent Thread

Post by BasharOfTheAges » Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:54 am

Somehow got myself stuck in a class for work. Lost 3 days of actual work for this when I have actual substantive work to do.

EDIT - also found out that my flight upgrade plans fell through and I have to fly coach to Hawaii #firstworldproblems
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Re: Vent Thread

Post by gotegenks » Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:54 am

my grandfather died.

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