What kind of music does everybody like?
- Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 5:44 am
- Location: israel
well, all of the songs i've heard sucked you're i should'nt hear rock!
no matter what!
Yo, sorry
this "beef" just got bigger
so let's finish it like this
I Think:That Rock is The Most Pthetic type of music ever!(except israeli rap that is so stupid)
Ya'll Think:That somehow rock is good music and i don't blame ya
(with all the peer pressure,you're not from the ghetto ect.)
you can't seem to flow with the raggae riddim
so instead of fightin' over it let's just say : ya'll like rock/matel/pop
and i like music that match the color on my body k?
well, all of the songs i've heard sucked you're i should'nt hear rock!
no matter what!
Yo, sorry
this "beef" just got bigger
so let's finish it like this
I Think:That Rock is The Most Pthetic type of music ever!(except israeli rap that is so stupid)
Ya'll Think:That somehow rock is good music and i don't blame ya
(with all the peer pressure,you're not from the ghetto ect.)
you can't seem to flow with the raggae riddim
so instead of fightin' over it let's just say : ya'll like rock/matel/pop
and i like music that match the color on my body k?
- Otohiko
- Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 8:32 pm
In reality, we're all clueless; the difference is that some of us realize it, and some do not.
And oh...
It's especially odd how opposition to peer pressure and a type of peer pressure (socioeconomical environment's pressure) are mentioned in the same sentence.
And it's doubly arrogant to associate the many of the types of music that have been put forward by suggesters as even closely related by peer pressure. Consider this: many of the people that have returned comments and suggestions to you belong to various 'niche' or 'hardcore' musical interest groups; and from my own experience with this, I can tell you that peer pressure is not just irrelevant here - you often have to go against the pressure not to listen to your sorts of music.
So, my conclusion is that yes, the 'beef' indeed grew for you. Sadly, despite good intentions on behalf of others, not only has a realization of cluelessness not been gained, but, I can also safely say - you know much, much less about rock music now than you did at the outset. Because you aren't only opposed to an incompetent, flat-out wrong stereotype of 'rock' that you've developed or have been suggested through your surroundings; but you now also have also a narrow sampling of music that you happen not to like to show for it. Bravo!
It's been my strategy before to confront and reasonably argue with unreasonable, ill-intentioned people. This is no longer the case. - R.F.
And oh...
This is extremely arrogant.son_goten wrote: Ya'll Think:That somehow rock is good music and i don't blame ya
(with all the peer pressure,you're not from the ghetto ect.)
It's especially odd how opposition to peer pressure and a type of peer pressure (socioeconomical environment's pressure) are mentioned in the same sentence.
And it's doubly arrogant to associate the many of the types of music that have been put forward by suggesters as even closely related by peer pressure. Consider this: many of the people that have returned comments and suggestions to you belong to various 'niche' or 'hardcore' musical interest groups; and from my own experience with this, I can tell you that peer pressure is not just irrelevant here - you often have to go against the pressure not to listen to your sorts of music.
So, my conclusion is that yes, the 'beef' indeed grew for you. Sadly, despite good intentions on behalf of others, not only has a realization of cluelessness not been gained, but, I can also safely say - you know much, much less about rock music now than you did at the outset. Because you aren't only opposed to an incompetent, flat-out wrong stereotype of 'rock' that you've developed or have been suggested through your surroundings; but you now also have also a narrow sampling of music that you happen not to like to show for it. Bravo!

It's been my strategy before to confront and reasonably argue with unreasonable, ill-intentioned people. This is no longer the case. - R.F.
The Birds are using humanity in order to throw something terrifying at this green pig. And then what happens to us all later, that’s simply not important to them…
- Vlad86
- Joined: Tue Mar 26, 2002 1:33 pm
- Location: Wandering.......aimlessly
I think: That rap is the most pathetic type of music ever.son_goten wrote:
so let's finish it like this
I Think:That Rock is The Most Pthetic type of music ever!(except israeli rap that is so stupid)
Wait, can it really be considered music when all they're doing is rhyming fast to a beat?
son_goten wrote: Ya'll Think:That somehow rock is good music and i don't blame ya
(with all the peer pressure,you're not from the ghetto ect.)

Sorry, I couldn't but help laugh at that statment.
Is it peer pressure when you find, and like the music all by yourself?
And very few, if any, rappers are from the ghetto, and I'm damn sure none of them are living there now.
It still makes me wonder how you can talk about the ghetto when you live in a $5,000,000,000 mansion

That's right, I flow with a different rhythm.son_goten wrote:you can't seem to flow with the raggae riddim
Reggae is not the be all, end all of rhythms.
son_goten wrote:so instead of fightin' over it let's just say : ya'll like rock/matel/pop
and i like music that match the color on my body k?

What color is music?

Is it all multi-colory, or is it clear? Dang, how did you get your skin colored that way?
The Big O will KILL you!
- Otohiko
- Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 8:32 pm
I seem to 'flow' to the rhythms of 11/9, 13/2, 5/7, and some others of the sort for one
And, to be honest, this is one of the reasons I'm not impressed with the only real 'musical' part of rap:
rap is largely devoid of harmony and melody; and rhythm is pretty much the only element where it seems to overlap with music. However, were it an impressively original, intellegently executed rhythm, I'd probably be much more positive.
And this IS why some of us are so negative. This IS why we consistently jump out to counter the statements and defend 'rock' (although, as some of the more learned should know, there is no such thing as a 'rock music' - it's just a convinient package for a diverse range of modern music). Because a person with some understanding of lyrics, a decent receptiveness to regular rhythms, and virtually no appreciation for melody and harmony seems to be suggesting that, yep, we're wrong, and that when I hear the so-called 'rich sonic textures' of David Sylvian, I must either be gay or following someone else's pressure. Ah! But I don't mind testosterone, or 'das frikkin beatz'; I just prefer them executed differently (I'd say 'with taste', but that would sound hostile).
Although, let's not get carried away to criticisms here: we all know 4/4 is sacred

And, to be honest, this is one of the reasons I'm not impressed with the only real 'musical' part of rap:
rap is largely devoid of harmony and melody; and rhythm is pretty much the only element where it seems to overlap with music. However, were it an impressively original, intellegently executed rhythm, I'd probably be much more positive.
And this IS why some of us are so negative. This IS why we consistently jump out to counter the statements and defend 'rock' (although, as some of the more learned should know, there is no such thing as a 'rock music' - it's just a convinient package for a diverse range of modern music). Because a person with some understanding of lyrics, a decent receptiveness to regular rhythms, and virtually no appreciation for melody and harmony seems to be suggesting that, yep, we're wrong, and that when I hear the so-called 'rich sonic textures' of David Sylvian, I must either be gay or following someone else's pressure. Ah! But I don't mind testosterone, or 'das frikkin beatz'; I just prefer them executed differently (I'd say 'with taste', but that would sound hostile).
Although, let's not get carried away to criticisms here: we all know 4/4 is sacred

The Birds are using humanity in order to throw something terrifying at this green pig. And then what happens to us all later, that’s simply not important to them…
- downwithpants
- BIG PICTURE person
- Joined: Tue Dec 03, 2002 1:28 am
- Status: out of service
- Location: storrs, ct
just to clarify: harmony and melody are only elements of tonal music, a set of musical guidelines that has dominated Western music since the 1600s. harmony and melody aren't essential to music, but only to tonal music.
nonetheless, those who grow up listening to tonal music (classical, jazz, pop) are probably more fond of genres that fit the guidelines of tonal music. which might explain why son goten might not pick up everything we do when he listens to rock.
nonetheless, those who grow up listening to tonal music (classical, jazz, pop) are probably more fond of genres that fit the guidelines of tonal music. which might explain why son goten might not pick up everything we do when he listens to rock.
?son_goten wrote:except israeli rap that is so stupid...
i like music that match the color on my body k?

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- Otohiko
- Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 8:32 pm
Ah! Right on there, now that's a bad call on my part. I did grow up on Western music...downwithpants wrote:just to clarify: harmony and melody are only elements of tonal music, a set of musical guidelines that has dominated Western music since the 1600s. harmony and melody aren't essential to music, but only to tonal music.
Then again, I'm not really denying that lack of one of the elements doesn't make music. I do listen to a lot of non-rhythm-driven and harmonically messed-up music...
I am prepared to acknowledge Rap as music, but I still think of it as music in minimalistic terms, really.
The Birds are using humanity in order to throw something terrifying at this green pig. And then what happens to us all later, that’s simply not important to them…
- Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 5:44 am
- Location: israel
Otohiko:behold...here comes one of my theorys & it's called "The Looks":
ppl listen to music like beyonce's music 'cause she's hot and she's on
a high level on TRL's Charts
now what i'm sayin' that u may have never heard one of beyonce's songs(Yes,I Know she's not singin' 'Rock')
but there is a really big group of "rock fans"(that's why i consider rock as a pop' music) and a really wide range of artists and someone may drag u into this and the media also DOES'NT hate "rock" and they hate hip-hop/can't censore it/they don't get paid by the rappers/ect.
what i'm sayin' is that when u ask some guy which rappers do u know
he'll tell ya : "Eminem,Ja Rule,50 Cent ect."
the rappers that pay 'em/make songs without swearin'
but IS true unda-ground/Old school(that's why i like Old school rap,because the realness in new songs is almost gone) hip-hop that is way better then all of these rappers
that do come from the heart with great lyrics
and when i heard it the first time it was so cool
u have heard Ja Rule's/50 Cent songs and got the wrong impression
and btw no one bulit my stereotype of 'rock'
if u can just listen to a rock song:
first : the drumbs - one of the most annoyin' parts of rock
they have that scratch that comes with every beat and that's SO annoyin'!
second - the wanna-be wild-style to "look"(remember my "Looks" theory) cool/or sounds like a bitch to try and hide his annoying voice
(in my theorys a lot of ppl has bad voices besides the tow gods : Marley & Shakur but marley has the better voice always heals me when my head hurts, that is one of the reasons i hate rock/pop 'cause they all sing so awfull)
if there is any rock singer/band that is not tow of these things
maybe i'll even like it
kthulhu : Yeah, so u live in U.S. but i bet u don't even know where compton is i know a lot "the ghetto" and i know it exists
there are "real" rappers its a fact that 'pac's mom was in jail when she
was in pregnant with him and it's true she smoked weed in front of him when he was a child he even had to work as a drug dealer in the age of 13
to support his house
2.whould u plz tell me how is rap "pathetic"?
they are talkin' about what heppend to 'em as the were livin' there as kids how the cops discriminated 'em 'cause they are black
and Yes Biggie stayed there but i'm not sure why
and they are talkin' in there how their life was bad when they were in the ghetto so why whould they stay there
& the color is black u dumbass!
positive?as i said the under-ground is not just hardcore under-ground
most of 'pac's songs are positive songs like
"Until the End of Time"
"Keep Ya Head Up"
"Never Be Peace"
"Never Had a Friend Like Me"
"Dear Mama"
"So Many Tears"
"Baby Don't Cry"
& the list goes on & on...
it depends on how you look at the lyrics like here's a sentence from 'pac's
"changes" :
"I see no changes wake up in the morning and I ask myself
is life worth living should I blast myself?"
u can say:
"Yo,this guy is phukkin' krazy he wants to kill himself"
or u can say:
"his life is so hard that he even prefers to die"
you gotta read into the lines to feel the pain he felt while he was a child
u wanna know why i hate hebrew-rap?
what's worng with tellin' the world what's up in the ghetto and that we've gotta change that
Btw,listen to this story:
i just got from the movies and yes belive it or not i saw a movie called
"School Of Rock" has anyone see this movie?
and that movie really had an effect on my theorys
there was a scene when they go and sign their band
and one of the kids go to a a van full of rockers and they're somkin'
and the teacher finds him and tell him to get out of the van
and then he says : "i just wanted to hang out with some real rockers"
and then the teacher says : "they are not rockers they are posers"
that made me think maybe not all rockers are posers
and some other stuff
and Otohiko i got what you're sayin' by "that rock is a protest"
and there was a scene:
the teacher asked the kids in the class:
what is the meaning of rock?
one of the kids said "stickin' it to the men"
and that was the right answer
now i know that meaning of rock
and the teacher(jack black) hates mtv like me!lol
any other guys here hates mtv?
ppl listen to music like beyonce's music 'cause she's hot and she's on
a high level on TRL's Charts
now what i'm sayin' that u may have never heard one of beyonce's songs(Yes,I Know she's not singin' 'Rock')
but there is a really big group of "rock fans"(that's why i consider rock as a pop' music) and a really wide range of artists and someone may drag u into this and the media also DOES'NT hate "rock" and they hate hip-hop/can't censore it/they don't get paid by the rappers/ect.
what i'm sayin' is that when u ask some guy which rappers do u know
he'll tell ya : "Eminem,Ja Rule,50 Cent ect."
the rappers that pay 'em/make songs without swearin'
but IS true unda-ground/Old school(that's why i like Old school rap,because the realness in new songs is almost gone) hip-hop that is way better then all of these rappers
that do come from the heart with great lyrics
and when i heard it the first time it was so cool
u have heard Ja Rule's/50 Cent songs and got the wrong impression
and btw no one bulit my stereotype of 'rock'
if u can just listen to a rock song:
first : the drumbs - one of the most annoyin' parts of rock
they have that scratch that comes with every beat and that's SO annoyin'!
second - the wanna-be wild-style to "look"(remember my "Looks" theory) cool/or sounds like a bitch to try and hide his annoying voice
(in my theorys a lot of ppl has bad voices besides the tow gods : Marley & Shakur but marley has the better voice always heals me when my head hurts, that is one of the reasons i hate rock/pop 'cause they all sing so awfull)
if there is any rock singer/band that is not tow of these things
maybe i'll even like it
kthulhu : Yeah, so u live in U.S. but i bet u don't even know where compton is i know a lot "the ghetto" and i know it exists
there are "real" rappers its a fact that 'pac's mom was in jail when she
was in pregnant with him and it's true she smoked weed in front of him when he was a child he even had to work as a drug dealer in the age of 13
to support his house
1.rhyming is a lot harder then screamin' "fuck"
so let's finish it like this
I Think:That Rock is The Most Pthetic type of music ever!(except israeli rap that is so stupid)
I think: That rap is the most pathetic type of music ever.
Wait, can it really be considered music when all they're doing is rhyming fast to a beat?
2.whould u plz tell me how is rap "pathetic"?
that is so stupid!Sorry, I couldn't but help laugh at that statment.
Is it peer pressure when you find, and like the music all by yourself?
And very few, if any, rappers are from the ghetto, and I'm damn sure none of them are living there now.
It still makes me wonder how you can talk about the ghetto when you live in a $5,000,000,000 mansion
they are talkin' about what heppend to 'em as the were livin' there as kids how the cops discriminated 'em 'cause they are black
and Yes Biggie stayed there but i'm not sure why
and they are talkin' in there how their life was bad when they were in the ghetto so why whould they stay there
& the color is black u dumbass!
positive?as i said the under-ground is not just hardcore under-ground
most of 'pac's songs are positive songs like
"Until the End of Time"
"Keep Ya Head Up"
"Never Be Peace"
"Never Had a Friend Like Me"
"Dear Mama"
"So Many Tears"
"Baby Don't Cry"
& the list goes on & on...
it depends on how you look at the lyrics like here's a sentence from 'pac's
"changes" :
"I see no changes wake up in the morning and I ask myself
is life worth living should I blast myself?"
u can say:
"Yo,this guy is phukkin' krazy he wants to kill himself"
or u can say:
"his life is so hard that he even prefers to die"
you gotta read into the lines to feel the pain he felt while he was a child
u wanna know why i hate hebrew-rap?
minimalistic termsI am prepared to acknowledge Rap as music, but I still think of it as music in minimalistic terms, really.
what's worng with tellin' the world what's up in the ghetto and that we've gotta change that
Btw,listen to this story:
i just got from the movies and yes belive it or not i saw a movie called
"School Of Rock" has anyone see this movie?
and that movie really had an effect on my theorys
there was a scene when they go and sign their band
and one of the kids go to a a van full of rockers and they're somkin'
and the teacher finds him and tell him to get out of the van
and then he says : "i just wanted to hang out with some real rockers"
and then the teacher says : "they are not rockers they are posers"
that made me think maybe not all rockers are posers
and some other stuff
and Otohiko i got what you're sayin' by "that rock is a protest"
and there was a scene:
the teacher asked the kids in the class:
what is the meaning of rock?
one of the kids said "stickin' it to the men"
and that was the right answer
now i know that meaning of rock
and the teacher(jack black) hates mtv like me!lol
any other guys here hates mtv?
- Corran
- Joined: Mon Oct 14, 2002 7:40 pm
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