I hope you're alright too, Mirko. Who knows who the earthquake gets next... I have the pleasure to live in the country on your right
Now, some gross stuff. It's a routine for me after all...
So, where do I start. As you may know, I work as a policeman, here in Athens, Greece. Under the Security Department - undercover business and such. Primarily my duty is to take the prisoners to the court, and when I'm talking about prisoners... heavy drug users from middle Asia, thieves, prostitutes and so on. Every Monday, like today, the court is full of those guys, due to the postponements they get on Sunday. Anyway, long story made short, I had three prisoners with me, and the highlight of them was a drug user with Aids and Hepatitis. Great. After 4 hours of running here and there, the guy finally collapsed outside of the court. Seeing this, the fellow policeman (and friend of mine) went behind the building to convince the judges so that they accept us first on the list - and then we could go to the hospital, finally. Ok they said, let us know when we enter the court.
And they enter it. Seeing me (everybody was doing it) holding a guy that had fainted. Saliva all over his face and a runny nose - remember of all of his illneses. And then they said "Sorry, we'll judge everyone according to our list, get back to your seat" "BUT" my friend responded, "This guy has Aids! Hepatitis! Fainted because of the drugs!" "So what? My right hand hurts too." the judge replied. Oh boy, I exploded next.
"ARE YOU SERIOUS? LOOK AT HIM!" with about a hundred people in the room looking at me. Oh boy. "IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO HIM, I AM RESPONSIBLE NO MORE. YOU ARE." The judge kept staring at me. "Who are you? A policeman? I don't care. It's your responsibility - and why don't you take him to the hospital. I want your name too, later." "I don't care, do whatever you want. I won't be holding him any much longer." And the fact is that he accepted him a minute later and gave him a postponement for the next day. Yeah, sure he'll come.
Now, for the really gross part. We called the headquarters to send us someone so he would get as fast as he could to the hospital. They arrived 2 hours later, fuck this shit. In the end, we returned him to the police station that had him... and a minute before we reach it, he starts puking. Vomit all over his body, and my friend was freaking out as we were running fast as hell. If i was the owner of our car, I would have destroyed it in the very pits of Hell itself, I'm not sitting in a car full of Aids vomit and other nice stuff. Join the police they said. It will be nice they said. Why the angry face they said.
Please don't commit suicide they said. Oh, all those joys of life...