Ok, though your definition of posers must differ from mine.son_goten wrote:vlad : from what i've seen the majority is rock/pop
1.metal is stupid very stupid
2.there are too many stuff that suck i want to listen to that jimi hendrix or whatever his name is it's even tupac's fav' artist and 'pac can't be worng
but i downloaded one of his song and that quality sucked so much balls that i could'nt hear what he is playin'/singin'
Mine definition of poser: One who can not sing or play well, but thinks they can, and anyone who thinks the most important thing is how much money you show off, or shiny things you have (aka bling bling).
1. Don't post ignorant statements. there is nothing to back that up. Now if you wrote "I think" or "In my opinion", that would be different. It would be expressing your opinion and not be trying to sway others with a lost cause.
2. Yeah, there's alot that in my opinion (and in a majority's) that suck. But I don't know that till I listen to it. So you really can't say if it sucks or not till you've listened to it.
Oh and I'm sure Tupac is NEVER wrong. Right.....
3. See? I told you they make a cool sound when you ruffle them.
By the way, do you have a sheet fetish? You seem to talk about them quite abit.....
Do any of them use the Drumbone, the Cimabalon, or the Tubulum?son_goten wrote: i don't get why do you find them more impressive 'cause there are very impressive rap instumentals with pianos drums giutar or any instument you want
More skill to play. Tons of skill to play impressively. Anyone can talk, but not everyone can play an instrument.son_goten wrote: so may you tell me why do you find these instumentals more impressive?
Sometimes, a song doesn't need any words at all to convey any particular meaning. You can just close your eyes and imagine.......
Unless you forgot how to do that
If spell check was a living being, it would hurt you very badly.......son_goten wrote: Chef:u phukkin' stupid dumb-ass so what? i don't phukkin' know any mutha-phukkin' thang 'bout metal it's not lyk i listen 2 this sheet