EvaFan wrote:...just make one box to type whatever a person wants.
If QCs contributed to the decline, turning the ops
into QCs will contribute to their final extinction. If people can't be bothered to type in a few words in a tube-style QC box when they leave their stars, how would giving them another simple liked/disliked box help anything? All that would do is remove any possibility of getting organized feedback and ruin it for those of us who still like to give and receive ops.
This reminds me of MimS' interview comments about the lack of feedback these days. That's someone who has been here long enough to be considered part of the community, but who has given less than ten ops in that entire time. The key difference today is that you're more likely to get an op from a fellow editor than you are from a random fan. Unfortunately, a lot of the current editors admit freely that they don't like watching anime anymore, let alone amvs, so they make lousy 'fans'. If editors can't be bothered to give a few ops themselves, then they shouldn't expect any in return.
My Vent:
The thought of the op system being flushed down the toilet makes me sick. I hope that's not really on the table in the redesign section of the forum. The op system is one of those things we still have over the tube. Sure, tweak the ratings to combine audio&video and sync&effort and review&overall if you just *have* to mess with it, because that's no different from restructuring the forum. As long as all the content is still there, it doesn't hurt to combine it so as not to scare away those who balk at complicated-looking things. But don't simplify it to the point where it's just another useless QC box. Appealing to the lowest common denominator of ADHD afflicted idjits is not useful. A return to the days when crap ops with all 10s and all 1s were the norm is not a move forward. Let them use the QCs for that stuff. If you want to make the org more tube-like, then let people sort vids according to the number of QCs and views. If, on the other hand, you really want the op system to be more useful, then encourage editors to leave ops. They're the ones in the best position to do so, anyway.