Because I was curious about the gender numbers in the photos thread:Arigatomina wrote:I think the photo thread is an exception. We seem to have an unusual amount of pretty girls versus 'normal' ones on this forum, if you go by that thread.I'm hoping it's because pretty girls are more likely to post pictures of themselves in an online forum, and not because most of the girls on the org just happen to be pretty (except for one or two of us who abstain from posting pictures, or post derogatory pictures of ourselves any time the issue of looks comes up).
15 girls vs. 28 boys
Nessephanie, Yeiweh, SQ, Jaddzia, Wurpess, Inverse, Kionon, Chelsealina, reigna, Ileia, Horrorphd, jade_eyed_angel, shazzy, aesling, jubjub2
Flint, Otohiko, Beowulf, Warheart, Vlad, Fallchild, Jasper, Corran, Tono_fyr, ngsilver, madbunny, chameleon, gox777, downwithpants, dwchang, anubisx, gloryquestor, kusoyaro, Scintilla, dokool, tsunamijones, chode_chrono, bakadeshi, JCD, kitsuner, oldwrench, mexicanjunior, krisqo
Assuming I got everyone, which is unlikely after wading through the bog of OtohikoPacMan.