I think you need to listen to REAL PUNK ROCK (stuff from the 80s and early 90s), because all of the punk rock now is not. It's EMO.Jace Tsunami wrote: hah! I believe that's the funniest thing I've heared all day
bloodyfang wrote:You haven't listened to much Punk Rock have you?Jace Tsunami wrote:PUNK ROCK
all the lyrics are about girls and stuff, and summer. You may think well yeah there's tons of animes with girls and stuff, like Tenchi. But all the songs are based on present or past relationships. It's be kinda hard for tenchi to want ryoko back if they've never been....
It's this way with every song, the lyrics just don't fit.
Note:Most Modern day "Punk" should be considered Emo
We already had this argument and such. Please read this whole thread if you're planning on debating what punk is, what it isn't, and whether or not it's still alive, etc. If you don't agree with the opinions expressed in that thread, then I think Jace will agree with me when I tell you of my 3-Step Program:mad@foolz wrote:I think you need to listen to REAL PUNK ROCK (stuff from the 80s and early 90s), because all of the punk rock now is not. It's EMO.Jace Tsunami wrote: hah! I believe that's the funniest thing I've heared all day