by Iron Solari » Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:40 am
Time for me to write an essay:
Yes, yes I am a new member. Hopefully that does not influence my writing to you guys.
You know, we all go through the daily motions, we get up, we shower, we eat breakfast, we go to school/work, and for some of us, we go on to live interesting social lives. However that is not the case for all of us, some of us we just come home and do nothing. That nothingness is filled with what I would call escapes, you know, things like games, editing, watching anime, reading manga, watching TV, or what have you. Our home lives may be awesome, or they may not be so awesome. We fight with our parents, siblings, or significant others, and it puts us in a terrible mood that influences the rest of our day/week/lives. We drink or smoke not necessarily because we want to, but because we have to. For others... we deal with the emotional aspects consistently throughout our daily lives. Such a burden is more then anyone should have to bare/bear/howeveryouspellthatdamnwordforthiscontext.
Alright, so this is where I come in. Now, I should probably be paying attention in class rather then writing this essay, but let me just say I feel like after reading some of these posts (not paying attention anyway) I feel the need to add in my venting/rant/etc...
K, here we go. I've had a hard life, as I am sure most of us have, what makes mine any different? Well, I may only be 20 years old, but I've seen some things and been through some stuff that I pray most people never have to. I won't go into TOO personal details, but I will tell you that I came out of my childhood with severe long-term depression, PTSD of sorts, and overall lack of trust in people I meet and come across these days. So you ask yourself, why the hell am I telling this to you guys if I have trouble trusting? Well, sometimes we just need to get stuff off our chest and while there may never be a response to my post, I know someone has read it. I've drank, smoked, and hurt myself in so many ways that I am amazed that my body loves me enough to keep functioning. How grateful am I? Extremely. Life obviously still has more in store for me.
Now I know this is supposed to be a board for steering away from AMVs, but just hear me out. I picked up editing around Katsucon of 2011. Why? Because it looks fun and it proved very much so to be. I know that I will never be the best or the most pristine editor, you know, people like Shin or Castor Troy. Will that stop me? Hell no, this is for fun, not for profit. I hate when people bash my work solely because I failed to use an effect here, or trim a scene there. I've thrown out so many projects solely because people won't stop telling me all of the wrong things about my work rather then the good things. However, since I came here, and have gone through 2 seperate accounts from this one now, people have really been nice and helpful to me and helping me improve (kirebluev2 and Brad). I will not state the names of my old accounts for anonymity reasons, but I will say that the first one was deleted because I hated how childish the name was, and for the second one, I hated how... feminine (no offense to anyone who is female) the second one was. I am a guy, and personally, I feel like my username is really important to me. I want it to be unique and reflect my personality as best as it can. I've produced approximately 5-6 full-length videos since Katsucon of last year, and as crappy or as good as they are, no matter what I will always be proud of them. I could probably delete those videos from those two accounts and upload them onto this one, but they were created under a different name and they will remain on that name. I like to think of my new username as a new start, because nobody really knows who I am anyway. I like this username, I thought about it for a while and finally went through with it.
For anyone who cares, Background info on my username: Iron Solari is the name of a group/faction of people from the game, "League of Legends". They protect their friends and allies, and there is an item in the game named "Locket of the Iron Solari" which allows you to shield your friends from enemies and incoming damage. I feel like this describes me pretty well. Also, Hi, my name is John. It's good to formally meet and introduce myself. Sorry this wasn't more of a positive post for an introduction, but hopefully that's okay.
See you on the editing battlefield, Soldiers.
-Iron Solari
"Some guy stuck a butter knife covered in peanut butter into my DvD player because he said it was hungry."