What are you playing?

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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Voidses_ » Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:23 am

The Witcher 2
Didin't expect to see softcore while playing a RPG lol :up:

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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Jwalk0 » Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:48 pm

Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
Saw this at a retro game store Friday and I was reminded of all the fun I had with this game when I played it in 1998. So many great games that I played including this one came out that year. The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Mega Man Legends, Parasite Eve, Resident Evil 2, Spyro The Dragon, and so many others..............I miss the 90s :cry:
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by CodeZTM » Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:25 am

Lollipop Chainsaw.

This game is insanely fun. I preferred No More Heroes than this one, but it's definitely runner up for Suda51's best work. <3

I mean, it's a pretty simple hack/slash/pompomkick game, but pulling off the combos and getting the highest scores are tricky! Just killing zombies isn't enough. You have to kill multiple zombies at once and do it FAST. If you get the game, I reccomend playing through on Easy/Normal first to beat the game and buff up your character's stats before attempting hard (the buffs carry over, and you can select stages once you complete them the first time). You do have to play on "Hard" to get the collectible achievements.

Pretty good voice acting, and I love the characters and their designs but I wish they'd cut down on the ridiculous amount of profanity and sex jokes. It degrades itself. I don't have issue with swearing in games, but having it every 10 seconds makes it feel like a 12 year old just learning their first bad words instead of using them in a contextual sense to signify something valid.

I need to beat this quickly though. Too much other stuff I'm trying to catch up with. Like... Assassin's Creed 2. >_>

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Re: What are you playing?

Post by dj_ultima_the_great » Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:32 am

Finally beat Dark Cloud 2, which means I'm finished recording all of the footage. It actually took me a bit less time than my regular playthroughs, since I was cutting out some of the bullshit. (Screw fishing. Seriously.) I only ended up recording ~48 hours worth of gameplay out of the ~110 that I did. Not bad.

Now that I have all of that recorded, I can process the last few segments for clips and then friggin' FINALLY start recording my Fatal Frame II speedrun. I'm still up in the air about how I'm going to do the final segment, but I can at least record the first five(-and-a-half) chapters before I have to decide. I should just record it the way that I've always been doing it and then submit an "improvement" later if my strategy pans out like I'm hoping, but I get the feeling that SDA wouldn't like that very much. What they don't know won't kill them...?

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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Ijexis » Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:20 pm

Taking a break from Dragon's Dogma in order to see what the Extended Cut of Mass Effect 3 is all about.

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Re: What are you playing?

Post by CodeZTM » Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:50 pm

Pokemon White 2

/cursing Homika's damn lv 18 whirlipede

At least I already have a Riolu. :3


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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Pwolf » Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:05 pm

Just finished the ME3 Extended Cut.
Spoiler :
My only major gripe was during the run towards the beam, the pacing gets fucked to hell as I have to stop and save my team. It was supposed to be this "OH SHIT WE NEED TO GET THERE OR WE'LL ALL DIE!" moment and then it's killed by this 5 minute interruption.
There were a few others things that bothered me and made me wonder if it was really worth it. I was actually rather OK with the original ending. I let my imagination fill in the blanks and, for the most part, the EC only solidified my original thoughts. Will be interesting to see what's in the store for the future of Mass Effect and Commander Shepard.

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Re: What are you playing?

Post by CodeZTM » Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:39 pm

I'm going to shortly talk just a bit about ME3 and be done. Because I swear I could write a doctoral thesis about this game and its storytelling/concept.
Spoiler :
You know what I liked? The option to KILL EVERYTHING and let the reapers do their job. I don't know. I felt like that was an option that a few Shepards might have actually picked. It's just a shame that the Reapers get defeated in the next cycle and there wasn't actually any scenery with everyone dying horribly. :(

The control ending was what I expected. I thought for sure that shepard became a "spirit" that controlled the reapers. Almost wish I'd picked that ending now. Seems like something I (personally) would have picked, and not my character Shepard. :(

Synthesis: Shepard (M!Shep) was very Pro everything and wanted eternal peace for EVERYTHING, so this is one of the endings I picked. As such, this just seemed like what my Shepard would have done. Having EDI do the dialog was the PERFECT way to present it. Bringing the reapers on our side was a tad unexpected though. Having the collective knowledge of entire cycles was pretty awesome. Although the green eyes bothered me. :(

Destruction ending... eh... Admiral Anderson is a tad too optimistic. There is no way that peace will last beyond a century. I hate that this is the only ending (other than Control) where Shepard lives. Then again, this is what my F!Shep did.

In the end... This game and the series really went the way that I wanted it to go. A little sidestep in ME2 (with his death and whatnot...), but ME3 really brought it back on track.

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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Pwolf » Thu Jun 28, 2012 6:13 pm

CodeZTM wrote:I'm going to shortly talk just a bit about ME3 and be done. Because I swear I could write a doctoral thesis about this game and its storytelling/concept.
Spoiler :
You know what I liked? The option to KILL EVERYTHING and let the reapers do their job. I don't know. I felt like that was an option that a few Shepards might have actually picked. It's just a shame that the Reapers get defeated in the next cycle and there wasn't actually any scenery with everyone dying horribly. :(

The control ending was what I expected. I thought for sure that shepard became a "spirit" that controlled the reapers. Almost wish I'd picked that ending now. Seems like something I (personally) would have picked, and not my character Shepard. :(

Synthesis: Shepard (M!Shep) was very Pro everything and wanted eternal peace for EVERYTHING, so this is one of the endings I picked. As such, this just seemed like what my Shepard would have done. Having EDI do the dialog was the PERFECT way to present it. Bringing the reapers on our side was a tad unexpected though. Having the collective knowledge of entire cycles was pretty awesome. Although the green eyes bothered me. :(

Destruction ending... eh... Admiral Anderson is a tad too optimistic. There is no way that peace will last beyond a century. I hate that this is the only ending (other than Control) where Shepard lives. Then again, this is what my F!Shep did.

In the end... This game and the series really went the way that I wanted it to go. A little sidestep in ME2 (with his death and whatnot...), but ME3 really brought it back on track.
Spoiler :
I think having destroy being the only way Shepard lives was actually pretty awesome. The catalyst was very adamant that while destruction was what the galaxy wanted, there would be side effects: not only would you kill EDI and the Geth along with the reapers , Shepard would die also since he is part synthetic. Control would kill you, but your soul would live on and control the reapers much like the catalyst did. Everyone wants to play god so it's a lot better then just death. In Synthesis, you're jumping into a beam of energy which, IIRC, will also scatter your DNA and soul into all synthetics and life. Its still a very optimistic outlook, you're not just dying for the sake of your actions, your death gives to the galaxy in return rather than your actions are what kill you (destruction). It's a much more selfless act then the other two options IMO. The last scene of Shepard waking up really make it awesome though. The catalyst said you'd die if you took that route but Shepard's badassness prevails and proves that's not the case. There's also the possibility that EDI and the Geth aren't truly dead (and perhaps the Reapers). It's very evident that technology still works and there's nothing stopping people from making synthetic life again, which the catalyst warns you about.

As far as peace is concerned, you're right, there's no way peace will last under destruction, but I don't think peace will last in any of the other ones also. In Synthesis, there's still nothing stopping people from going to war. It wont be synthetic vs non-synthtic obviously, but control over systems and resources will most likely cause many wars for the galaxy. For Control, Shepard is basically a god and controls all synthetic life and the most powerful thing in the galaxy, the Reapers. He's basically become a dictator and has the power to do what he wants. This wont bode well when non-synthetics start to believe Shepard isn't looking out for their best interest. Not to mention, under Synthesis, Shepard is basically turning people into the synthetics against their will. I think the destruction choice gives the civilizations the most freedom to make their own choices and live out their lives their way.

I like that they put in the option to do nothing but I don't really like it. It makes the whole thing feel worthless. Over the course of the three games, your trying to stop the reapers only to end up failing and then the next cycle comes in and does it for you. I guess it would feel like fighting the last boss of an RPG you've been working towards for three whole games. Then when the boss kills you, some unknown adventurer walks in after you die and kills the boss, then credits roll and the game's over. Fuck that, I WANT TO KILL EM! Not very fulfilling in my mind :P

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Re: What are you playing?

Post by CodeZTM » Thu Jun 28, 2012 6:57 pm

I really like your opinions. :up:
Spoiler :
That being said... Destruction still just does not bode well with me. Yes, it gives humanity and the other races have the freedom to do as they please, but I feel as though it's just a temporary fix. Part of me (ok ALL of me) feels like synthetic life deserves to live just as much as the human life does.

That's where the synthesis ending makes more sense to me. Like the catalyst described, it ended the "desire" of both types of life. Understanding for synthetics and limitations for organics. Under destruction/control, Synthetic and organic life both still have that hole in their life where they don't "know" or "feel" as fufilled. I think that under the forced evolution of both brands of life allows them to focus on becoming a unified galaxy for peace and end the desire for petty war.

Resource wars might indeed be something of an issue, and I concede that I wouldn't blame the Quarians/Krogan for doing something about it (I mean... They have JUST Rannoch and the Krogan are about to overpopulate quickly assuming that we cured the genophage), but I think that the other races wouldn't just go straight to war. With increased intelligence and the collective knowledge of entire cycles, I think that they would be able to solve most problems. If anything, I'm sure that going outside of the galaxy and into the unknown would bring about a new frontier.

ALTHOUGH that brings something bothers me.

What happens to the species outside of the entire galaxy with the Mass Relays? The ones that didn't evolve or join with the synthetic DNA. Could we become a new form of reaper towards underdeveloped species and try and force evolve them?

Oh gawd, it's Star Ocean 4 all over again. :uhoh:


Back to the "kill everything" route with not doing anything. Like I said, it feels unfulfilled. They had something GREAT but then sort of went dead with it.

Part of me agrees with the theory with the reapers. I would have loved to have made a play-through that allowed Shepard to JOIN the reapers outside of control ending. Like him becoming a guardian of the Catalyst or something, stopping any races that attempt to reach that same spot. While F!Shep of mine probably would not have done that, I know I could probably plot a Shepard that did decide to go through with that. I understand it makes the 3 games moot, BUT it's still an option that would have made for an interesting side-narrative.

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