freeze_lord wrote:I think Lyrs that you are defenind spears based on the fact that you like the music adn thus you think that spears is a good person.
You think wrong. I have no need to like or hate Britanny Spears.
Let me tell you about the good person that is brittany spears. My little brother went to one of her concerts once came back and threw away all her cd's he ahd purchased and now dislikes her.
Explain why he did this? She wouldn't give him her autograph? She bitched at him? No oral sex? The story says nothign about Britany Spears. All it says is your lil' brother threw his BS collection away after goign to one of her concerts.
Brittany Spears is a lying manipulative girl who was given the chance to go straight many times. When asked on the disney channel when she became popular, will you change just because it is it he "in" thing to do. She said no.
You haven't provided any evidence that she lied. All you stated was she was interviewed and asked if she would change her behavior based on what's "in," and she said "no."
Also, she's directing the "ins" as much as any other media star. If she is the one making the "ins," how can she be changing to fit the "ins?"
Then she went and got her augmentations.
Millions of people get augmentations. Fat removal, nose adjustements, eye surgery, etc. Does that make them all sluts?
She started to act slutty and by slutty I mean wearing clothing so sheer on mtv that you could almost see her privates dangling about.
So, you have a problem with her wearing revealing clothes and you don't like to see her privates dangling?
quote]Its ironic that she she team up with the most shamelss person in the industry before her... madonna.
Irony: ... y_def.html
The comedian George Carlin explains irony as "a state of affairs that is the reverse of what was to be expected; a result opposite to and in mockery of the appropriate result" (Carlin 1997, p. 116).
You obviously expected Spears to continue being a pop-angel. You didn't expect her to make good career decisions and find an appropriate role model. You don't known who you are talking about. Madonna is a powerful, rich, and responsible mother, and good role model, especially now. If you don't beleive me, google up the information. Your assertion of Madonna is obviously based on ancient history.
Maybe its just a sign that she will become like her.
Maybe it's a sign that she'll sell more CDs, become richer, and generally conquer the parts of the world Madonna hasn't.