Con to Con or to Meet Editors?

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Re: Con to Con or to Meet Editors?

Post by JaddziaDax » Tue Sep 27, 2011 2:43 pm

Wow, I never responded to this O:

Actor Panel Experiences:
I'll state right now I got spoiled on local AWESOME Star Trek cons as a kid (which aren't being ran anymore :(, but I don't live in that state anymore either), and none of the anime cons I've been to have lived up to their guests, however Star Trek actors > Anime Dub actors, so I've not been too interested in going to the dub actor panels. I have gone a couple of them though...

One at the local con here, and it was lots of fun times, guy named Kyle Hebert, he knew how to work a crowd, and yay for Perry The Platypus! It was massively entertaining times. :). I got his autograph! O:

The only other one I remember going to (not really by choice) was that Vic Mignogna guy. It was only because AWA was running late on showing the AMV winners, and he wouldn't stop talking (and he had to show his amv as well! he had a friend make an amv to some song he sang). It wasn't very fun at all. He seemed fairly self absorbed and the fangirls were just wanting to hug him, give him presents, and asking him to do "voices". (Not to mention I'm not a fan of his acting, he's more "miss" for me than "hit", he usually sounds really fake.)

I suppose if the option to go to an actor panel came up, it would depend on the actor. I'm sure some of them are more interesting than others. Not to mention, some of them I like their work more than others.

The Masquerade interests me if there are some good skits. The last one I went to at our local con had mostly not very good skits. Also, a lot of people just came out and twirled around to show off their costume, no skit at all. I think there should be a separate contest just to show off costume work. So the last one I went to was pretty disappointing, however with a show like that it's a take what you can get. Not to mention the local con (no matter how big they like to pretend to be) is pretty darn small. I don't really see myself lining up for a cosplay event though.

I also enjoy taking photos of cosplayers, I prefer the ninja photography style because I'm usually fairly embarrassed to ask anyone to pose for me. I really wouldn't mind doing an outdoor photoshoot or something, but I don't know many cosplayers so I feel fairly shy around them.

AWA and ACEN are the "editor cons" I've been to, and AWA was the one I had the most fun at. However the one time I went to ACEN was the year of the 10+ hour reg line of hell :(. I LOVED meeting other editors though, and it's fun hanging out in the AMV room (if the con has one). Also these are the cons I go to in order to meet up with friends who live on the other side of the country that I don't get to see all the time, so it's fun hanging out with them. I'm not too involved in the drunken making out party part, I usually find some people who like just hanging out without all the craziness. :P

RPG/Video Game Room Stuff:
It seems most of the RPG stuff I've ever seen was complete fail. I'm not really into RPG stuff. As for game rooms, the ones here have games I've never seen or heard of.. Para Para is fun, and I don't have DDR myself. The local con also holds Pokemon TCG tournaments (unofficial I believe), I don't know how to play, but they are still kind of interesting to watch... maybe?

Watching Anime:
It depends on the show I think. Not knowing anything about FF7 watching Advent Children with a crowd wasn't much fun, as it just proved the movie to be one huge fangasm. Watching episodes of stuff that's recently licensed can be nice though so I can have an idea of what I'd like to purchase in the near future.

For the most part I go to cons to watch AMVs see costumes and the biggest reason: to hang out with friends. I've been going to the local cons here so my nieces and nephews can get a taste of the con scene to see if they like it, and they seem mostly interested in entering the amv contests and playing video games.

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Re: Con to Con or to Meet Editors?

Post by Fay-Sa » Tue Sep 27, 2011 4:18 pm

Scintilla wrote:
@Fay-Sa: I do video game rooms because at home I don't have anyone I can play Puzzle Fighter or (especially) Melty Blood against. And anime screenings, at least comedies or insanely popular series, are a totally different experience at a convention than at home or in a small club -- effervescence is a factor:
  • What we saw of Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi at Otakon 2003 or 2004 was so hilarious in that crowd that I picked up the whole series.
  • The dub premiere of Hellsing Ultimate vol. 4 at Otakon 2008 gained so much more impact from being on that huge screen with that huge sound system, plus hundreds of fans erupting in cheers at the particularly badass moments.
  • The dub premiere of Axis Powers Hetalia at Otakon 2010. Just... the dub premiere of Axis Powers Hetalia at Otakon 2010. The screaming fans, the singing along... that room just radiated good feelings.
  • The dub premiere of Trigun: Badlands Rumble at Otakon 2011. At home this movie would have been barely worth renting, and I say that as someone who enjoyed the TV series and whatever parts of the manga I could actually follow. With a con crowd, though, it's well worth it.
I understand the video game room part for those who like to play games that are for more than one player but for me at least 97% of my collection are 1 player only games, I see no reason to go. Doesn't help that most of these video game rooms have games like Halo instead of something that actually Japan/Anime related. We just had a meeting about the video game room for Across and the guy who running it (same guy I mention who bitches about Funi in the anime club topic) wants to charge people money just to play which I think is crap if it isn't a rental Arcade game machine (and at ours its not...its only systems and some HD computers, all of which are donated by staff members for that weekend and we pray some idiot doesn't mess it up or try to steal it)

As for anime screening...I tend to get annoyed at the screaming fans people. I prefer being by myself or with a small group that actually understand the rules of watching a movie with others. I know it the 'con crowd' type of excitement yet I still find it annoying and if I go to one I tend to leave in a bad mood. I don't mind the cheers or laughs at those awesome moments but hearing girls scream just because a character walks on when I start getting annoyed. So again just prefer watching and playing games at home. If it wasn't mention already or obvious I'm a bit of a loner.

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Re: Con to Con or to Meet Editors?

Post by SheeGee » Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:27 pm

Im everywhere at conventions lol

When it comes to panels, I'll go to ones that interest me of course. Getting to meet voice actors/actresses are great especially when you get their autographs :)
Spoiler :

Autographs from Eri Kitamura and Yui Horie!
I don't really cosplay (I do occasionally) but I take tons of photos. Also, my friend is big when it comes to cosplay and makes really great ones so I usually escort her around lol I'm always the one that takes care of her bag when she gets stopped like every 5 seconds asking to get her picture taken. Personally I don't mind and its fun and all lol

I'm usually around the video room if I get bored or tired with the convention which only happens in really small cons. Its great to meet you guys that I always see around the org lol I think last time I was at AX I got to meet Yue, Kisanzi, Kit, Castor Troy, and Niotex and it was great. Yay for making new friends lol Also seeing other editors from previous years or from other cons are fun especially if you dont normally see them lol
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Re: Con to Con or to Meet Editors?

Post by Brad » Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:41 pm

What's a con.
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Re: Con to Con or to Meet Editors?

Post by Otohiko » Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:45 pm

Brad wrote:What's a con.
Some dude that's in jail for committing crimes and stuff.
The Birds are using humanity in order to throw something terrifying at this green pig. And then what happens to us all later, that’s simply not important to them…

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Re: Con to Con or to Meet Editors?

Post by jubjub2 » Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:31 pm

Dealer's Room, Artist's Alley, Cosplay and AMV if they have it. I go with my kids now as well as their school anime club, so it's way more fun. The only panels I have been to that have truly interested me were cosplay related, so it's mainly just dressing up, hanging out, and people watching for us.

Not many editors from the org to meet at the Houston cons. Dallas is another story as far as meeting other editors, but I usually just see them at the contests and chat afterwards.

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