Heavy Metal classic or new Metal, I don't really care. If the sound range is wide and the strumming is hard it kicks-ass.
I will crank up the Godsmack any day. At the same time I just bought Toys in the Attic a week or two ago.
Def Leppard, SilverChair, Van Halen, or Sevendust, I find I like it regardless of era. Its a about the feel of the sound.
Let MTV tell you what stuff is, I'll think for myself and look toward real musicians for answers.
I dunno, after you called Opeth a Black Metal band, I lost what little faith I had in your knowledge of what metal is.
What the hell are you talking about and should I become condescending?
Better question do I care if you have faith in my knowledge....nope.
Eeerrrrr....people and their worthless none musical semantics about music.
Pop Culture be damned and and stricken from Metal.
If you dont know what semantics are look it up.
And no I am not joking.
The more you learn about the past, cultures, philosophy, logicistics, and psychology the harder it becomes to accept someone or some place or book thinking for you.
I have busted out laughing in church from all the ironic contradictions. (I went with someone because they wanted company not out of habit. A person's feelings are well worth a mere hour or so.)