Little Things You Hate

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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by CodeZTM » Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:29 am

Mkid wrote:Creative Writing Portfolio do tomorrow and we had an assignment to make a piece of our biggest pet peeves. here is my piece :|

The polls are in; It is unanimous 100% of us love to be ridiculed, discriminated against and treated unfairly. these polls prove to have a correlation between the number of people who love getting ridiculed and the gay population. 100 years ago the percent of gays was 0 percent. There was not a single gay person. All of us good ol dudes would go to work, gym, get drunk and lay with our lovely ol gales. According to the national survey of sexual health the gay population has risen to a whopping 8%. Gays are a serious topic, just like the 2008 swine flu epidemic. Now a days we must watch everything we do, make sure when we change in the gym we dont have a queer looking at the angle of the dangle (as we know all gay men love all men, point blank, Period).
Marriage is a commitment between a man and a woman that has dated back to pre-historic period. this is a heterosexuals right not a homosexuals privilege. homosexuals will only ruin what marriage means because all homosexual men bounce from man to man like women change clothes. we all know stereotypes are true. Black People love chicken, watermelon, kool-aid and white people cant jump. Do you see any good white basketball players? i don't! Its not like 50 % of marriages in america fail. Divorce is a thing of the past. Once a man and a woman get married, a man and a woman stay married until the day they die. Another thing of the past is fake marriages; People dont get married for citizenship in america. Nor do they have crazy nights in vegas and wake up with a ring on their finger.
Research now says jewish people didnt crucify jesus but the homosexuals did. One reason they found this statement to be true si that the lovely decor jesus was wearing mathes his lovely shoes. the solution to california's and more wifely americas gay infestion is that we are not attacking them enough. Gay teen suicide is on the rise but the gay population isnt shrinking fast enough. We want all the gays to dead in 10 years so our kids wont have to deal with what we are dealing with today.We need to attack them hard. We need to do more cruel and unusual punishment. Capture them, kill anyone that displays public affection with the same sex, Deport them to antarctica and las but centainly not least, tar and feather them. You can also do these things to avoid them. Go out at night(gays hate the night because that's when they all turn into straight and again, they do not want there friends and family seeing them act normally). Avoid manhattan and california at all cost( the gay population in those two areas are through the roof,1 out of every 3 people are gay in those locations). Buy gay repellant at you're local CVS( a special chemical called straightogen). Also to detect any homosexuals in the vicinity bring your gaydar (which you can purchase at any retail store). [these are the ways gays fucked up society at all aspects.]
You and I have the same brand of sarcasm. :up:

Although you should REALLY work on your grammar, spelling errors and sentence structure. :uhoh:

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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by Taite » Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:01 am

Debated whether I would put this in the vent thread of this one, but it really is a little thing I hate.
Pardon my language early...

I really hate pussy selfish annoying immature bitch ass people.
People who ask questions like "Do you like/hate me?" as if they're 10 years old. Then they just keep on asking those stupid fucking questions; how the hell do you answer something like that anyhow? Like, yup, I'm not talking to you because I hate you. Yup. Wait, how old are you again? 23? Right.

People who say they care for you, but then they turn around and judge you constaaaaaantly.

People who, in conjunction, try to change you or don't accept something about you, because it goes against themselves. So then they end up using that part about you against yourself, and then it becomes impossible to communicate because they're holding a primary part of your being against yourself.

People who claim to be all fucking great and then use their godliness to pass judgement on you because it soooo true; "I'm nice, and I'm caring, and I never judged you, I was nothing but nice toward you, but OH, you're fucking abcdefg.... and btw I never lie."

People with larger than life egos, who really love talking about themselves in every other conversation, but when it comes to you, either gets bored, or just wants to ridicule you. And in turn, use you to lift themselves up.

People who claim they want to know what's going on with you, but do the above every other minute of the day.

People who get way emotional and become little pussies. I hate emotional people. I don't want to know how this made you feel, or how I'm making you feel; get over yourself and be a man. I hate pussy emotional people, especially men. Sorry. I'm not expecting you to be a robot, but don't fucking ever whine and complain to me about how hurt you are about something I did. Unless we're in a committed relationship or we're bomb ass friends, I don't give two shits.

People who assume we're great friends, but do all of the above.

You know, those people.
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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by mirkosp » Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:12 am

CodeZTM wrote:Although you should REALLY work on your grammar, spelling errors and sentence structure. :uhoh:
I thought those were part of the sarcasm and pet peeves. :ying:

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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by ZephyrStar » Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:14 am

Taite wrote:Pussy ass bitches.
Agreed. Aint' got no time or sympathy for em'. Especially the whiners, as they are perpetual whiners, and they like to whine. They don't want help fixing their problems, they just want to whine and get sympathy.

Also the egomaniacs, can't stand them. Well, I should quantify, someone can be an egomaniac and be perfectly pleasant to talk to, as long as they have shit to show for it and actually LISTEN to what you're saying. Where I just walk away is the person who can't be bothered to listen to your side of the conversation.

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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by Chained(E)Studio » Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:47 am

leaky roofs & landlords who are too lazy to fix it

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Little things you hate?

Post by TEKnician » Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:13 am

People who INCESSANTLY complain about YOU (or perhaps someone else) but blow up at your ONE comment about them.
Almost as hard as fighting a Holy Paladin.

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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by Haar119 » Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:28 am

TEKnician wrote:People who INCESSANTLY complain about YOU (or perhaps someone else) but blow up at your ONE comment about them.
You mean roughly 70% of the internet's users?
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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by TEKnician » Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:52 pm

HaarTheDragonlord wrote:
TEKnician wrote:People who INCESSANTLY complain about YOU (or perhaps someone else) but blow up at your ONE comment about them.
You mean roughly 70% of the internet's users?
Pretty much. But thats why I'm HERE and not FACEBOOK. :up:
Theres no gossipy biznatches. :down:
Almost as hard as fighting a Holy Paladin.

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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by Haar119 » Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:06 pm

TEKnician wrote:
HaarTheDragonlord wrote:
TEKnician wrote:People who INCESSANTLY complain about YOU (or perhaps someone else) but blow up at your ONE comment about them.
You mean roughly 70% of the internet's users?
Pretty much. But thats why I'm HERE and not FACEBOOK. :up:
Theres no gossipy biznatches. :down:
That's highly debatable.
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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by Pwolf » Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:44 pm

I hate drivers who take FOREVER to get moving after the light turns green. Stop being an inconsiderate ass and move your damn car so the people behind you can get to where they need to go. This also brings me to another hate:

If you're getting on the highway, accelerate to the speed limit before you merge onto the freeway. Not only does this make it easier (and safer) for you to merge into traffic, it makes it a hell of a lot easier (and safer) for the rest of us who have to wait behind your slow ass...

and one more:

I hate drivers who go under the speed limit while passing a semi. If you're going to pass someone and you know you're going to be back in that lane, accelerate to pass the person and move the fuck over so the rest of us can keep moving.

I'm not an angry driver, i swear.

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