What kind of music does everybody like?

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Post by Kuzutetsu » Tue Mar 16, 2004 5:57 pm

Kai Stromler wrote:
son_goten wrote:blackmetal?you mean like black ppl that sing metal?
form; three essential records would probably be:

Emperor, Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
Immortal, At the Heart of Winter
Nokturnal Mortum, Goat Horns
Mine Three essential Black Metal records would be:

Darkthrone - Transylvanian Hunger (1994 Peaceville)
Nifelheim - Nifelheim (1994 Necropolis Records)
Marduk - Panzer Division Marduk (1999 Osmose Productions)

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Interesting discussion

Post by Black_Angel_Night » Tue Mar 16, 2004 7:14 pm

But the main thing that i think no one has seems to come near is that music is based on what you like to listen to and what you can stand to listen too i Love Metal but i also have BSB in my collection i like a lot of music.

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Post by Vlad86 » Tue Mar 16, 2004 7:14 pm

son_goten wrote:Kai Stromler:
you should hear "Zohar Argov" he's The Best "Mizrahit" singer
(Mizrahit: a type of music in israel its also called "Depression Music"
'cause the singers are always talkin' about how their girl left 'em and all kinds of sad stuff)
That's that's just like American country music.
Y'know, the kind that if played backwards, your dog will come back to life, your truck will fix itself, and your girlfriend will come back to you. :lol:
son_goten wrote:and you're sayin' that 2 Pac isn't good stuff?
he's "The Realest Mutha - Phukka That Ever Born"
most of the stuff that i said are good but they are fake-asses(some of 'em)
2 Pac is real most of the ppl think that he's just "Krazy" 'cause
of "Hit 'Em Up"(The best Diss Song Ever a record of 47 times he said "fuck"...lol)
most of the ppl call him a "gangsta-rapper" cause of that
but he has a lot of great songs you just need to listen to the lyrics
calling someone "the Realest Mutha - Phukka That Ever Born" doesn't seem to strike any interest in me. If anything, it makes me want to listen less.

Didn't Limp Bizkit manage to say fuck like 47 times in the song "Hot Dog" off Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water? So technically that's not a record.
son_goten wrote:)v(ajin Koji: Yeah,Raggae(ever hear of that?a lot of ppl dont know that style of music)
that's a really cool just listen....
and some electronic(huse,mostly)
A lot of people know what reggae is, they just don't like it enough to look further into it.
son_goten wrote:nailz1000:talentless?Bob Marley has The best voice i ever heard and no
"guns 'n' rosses" or any other sheet has better music
its a legend!
Better than Guns 'N' Roses?
What you don't like "Welcome to the Jungle"? Now that's a classic!
son_goten wrote:2 Pac is "The Realest Mutha - Phukka That Ever Born"
he has the best songs i ever heard
Refer to my earlier statement on how I feel about calling someone that
son_goten wrote:Dre : three words : "The Next Episode"

any mo'?
Nope, not Dre ("'cause we forgot about Dre"), the only rap I like comes from Outkast. Namely, "Ms. Jackson", and "Hey Ya". Oh and the music for Pumpkin Hill on Sonic Adventure 2 is none too bad.....

Sorry, had to work these out. Thought I might as well drop them here:

Mo? Don't you mean more? Moo is what the cows say.

Flo? Don't you mean floor? Flow is what a river does.

Peecan? Don't you mean Pecan? A pee can is what you keep under your bed at night when you can't make it to the bathroom.
The Big O will KILL you!

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Re: Interesting discussion

Post by Otohiko » Tue Mar 16, 2004 7:22 pm

Black_Angel_Night wrote: But the main thing that i think no one has seems to come near is that music is based on what you like to listen to and what you can stand to listen too i Love Metal but i also have BSB in my collection i like a lot of music.

That statement lacks clarity

Liking vs. Being able to stand certain music? Well, I can stand a lot of things. But that's to say a Noise Pollution System is still a Noise Pollution System if it's invasively playing inappropriate music in an inappropriate environment. Sadly, this is one reason I hate public places with music.

And I, too, went through a good amount of different music through my dad's collection, so you certainly can't accuse me (or a good amount of people I know from this board) of a lack of variety :roll:


and oh - Vlad - :lol:

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Post by Black_Angel_Night » Tue Mar 16, 2004 7:29 pm

i didn't know my opinions were going to be ripped apart and i was going to be compared to and ungrammatical monkey. I am not mad at anyone i just wanted to get that off my chest. And i was not saying that everyone in here has no variety of musical interests. Just that when people are expounding on one type of music is it because they only listen to one type of music.

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Post by Otohiko » Tue Mar 16, 2004 7:37 pm

Oh, really sorry if I came off that way :?

I meant that in a semantic sense, not a grammatic sense. I'm not trying to be demeaning or anything, just confused by the first part of that.

I think what you may be getting at is specific musical niches that people seem to have. I've never really had a problem with people having that; as long as they're in them consciously and with sufficient information.

On the other hand, I often have a bit of a problem with the 'I like it as long as it doesn't annoy me' approach. I think it tends to show a lack of attention on behalf of the listener rather than a presence of toleration.

From what I've seen, it's the hardest-core metalheads or industrial-nuts that seem to have the best understanding of the widest range of music. Strange as it may sound, but I think their ability to focus attention on one kind of music often translates into an ability to understand other kind of music well when the need arises.

That's how I see it, anyway
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Post by Black_Angel_Night » Tue Mar 16, 2004 7:41 pm

ok apology acceoted, i guess maybe that i came off a bit cryptic. But my main thing is that i like everything, and sometimes it seems like some people find a music they love, and stick with it.

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Post by Otohiko » Tue Mar 16, 2004 7:46 pm

Black_Angel_Night wrote:it seems like some people find a music they love, and stick with it.
That's me, for better or worse :)

I've been fighting that urge to listen to the same selection of music for a while; to try and add more variety - but now I pretty much gave up. That's not to say I never listen to anything else, and, contrary to what some might think - I'm still very open-minded (actually, more so than ever!). But I think I'm now at a stage in life where I've pretty much found all I was looking for in music, and I can't say I'm not happy.

But I'd never say my choices are right for everyone (not damn near! :P)
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hey you found something you like

Post by Black_Angel_Night » Tue Mar 16, 2004 7:50 pm

it's not like my mom who says that linkin park is doing nothing but screaming, but you found something you like and are willing to listen to new things, and to not put others down for lisening to things you think are weird

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Post by Otohiko » Tue Mar 16, 2004 7:57 pm


That'll be the day when I find something weirder than my current music choices, which I mentioned earlier in the thread (King Crimson, Captain Beefheart, Frank Zappa, and a few others along those lines)!

Well, with parents, you gotta give them some credit... when you're blasting something they obviously dislike on a stereo :P

Linkin Park doesn't just scream. They obviously sing, rap, slam a power chord riff or two and are well-familiarized with song composition. But, let's not go farther before we turn this into another LP war :roll:


Now, to get back to topic... I always wondered not so much "what kind of music people like", but "why do they like it?".

Maybe a question for the thread. Maybe a question a lot of people can't answer (I'm having trouble myself...).
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