Shazzy wrote: Religion only stops at the Bible in Georgia.
Indiana and Ohio, too, from my own visits to various churches in my curious youth. But it's more that religion revolves around the bible, rather than stopping at it. For every group using that book for good there are two others using it for bad. I blame the book. A third "Really New Testament" is long overdue. But who would write it? And who today would really believe the men writing it were doing it because God told them to revise the rules to fit the new generation?
Godix wrote:No one has ever seen a single cell creature turn into a human, we have to take the theory of evolution on faith.
Nuh, uh. We have to take the specific changes on faith, like the development of the eye. We can see the big ones with our eyes. I can link you to some sites and textbooks to walk you through the known "intermediate" fossils showing animals' evolution. The same "evidence" Creationists say we haven't found. There isn't much money in digging up the earth to find fossils, we haven't been doing it very long, but we've managed to find quite a few that are clear signs animals have evolved between "kinds". Ichtyostega - Fish/Amphibian, Archaepteryx - reptile/bird, land mammals to whales, etc. That's not faith, it's fact.
Whether or not that evolution took place because of random chance (environment, mutation, survival of the fittest) or because God made it happen that way - that's up to faith. Fossils don't show us the meaty insides so we can't tell how those evolved over time. I don't expect that to change no matter how technologically advanced we get. So, yeah,
why evolution happened the way it did is a matter of faith. Whether or not it happened has been proven a dozen times over. It did. Any scientist whose degree wasn't funded by a church can walk you through the evidence.
But I think even evolution is self-evident. Layman or not. Four legged animals vs human - those animals stood up. Any land animal versus birds - again they stood up only this time they learned to fly. You can see it just by going to a zoo. According to creationists those big cats are a different "kind" from your tabby and neither of them evolved from a shared ancestor. So why are they basically identical except for size?
Religions often use "self evidence" as a proof of God's existence. Walk through the forest - how could all those plants have grown so wildly diverse if not for God? Well, how could all those furry four legged animals not be proof that one furry four legged animal evolved into a whole bunch of furry four legged animals over time? It works both ways. Evolution just has the job of finding actual fossils to prove what's already self-evident. Religion takes it as a matter of course with no need to defend or prove itself.
The only time the two actually argue is when Creationists try to decide what a "kind" is, since that depends on each person's interpretation of one line in Genesis. If you define "kind" as animals/plants (and maybe insects) then Evolution and Creationism work fine together. We haven't found any fossils showing the plant/animal step of evolution because those fossils are too small for your average dinosaur hunter to find. The bible never said
how God made each "kind" let alone what each "kind" was. I see no problem believing God was the force and evolution the method.