need Constructive criticism

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need Constructive criticism

Post by Versa » Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:15 pm

Hello im new I just stared making MV'S and i was wondering if you could check em out for me and tell me what i should try and/or improve on when making my next video ... ideo_title
(First AMV) used:Camtasia studio ... ure=relmfu
(second Music vid for BFBC2) used:Movie maker ... er&list=UL
(First ever music video) Used:Movie maker

Thanks for your time
-Versa (Hope to have lots of fun joining this Community) :)

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Dr. Derpface, J.D.
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Re: need Constructive criticism

Post by Dr. Derpface, J.D. » Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:18 am

Let me say this first: this community is about anime music videos (hence the name), so the two game videos aren't really what we do here. For the one anime video, you used Dragonball Z, so be prepared for the onslaught of criticism for that alone. The reason being is that DBZ is overused, and most people are tired of "Yet Another DBZ Action Video". Just wanted to give you fair warning. I'm going to be perfectly honest, but if you have any kind of ego whatsoever, you need to check it at the door. People here will offer honest criticism, but for the most part they will NOT sugar-coat anything for you. Flaws will be pointed out, ripped open, and mercilessly hounded upon. Take this criticism to heart, but don't see it as a personal attack. Too many times, we get people who want a critique, get told what's wrong, and they fly off the handle about how everyone is "elitist", or "out to get them" for some reason. If it seems that way, just remember we care about our hobby, and want the quality of the videos made to reflect that passion. So when you get criticism, pick through any ego-bruising and get to the meat of what the person is trying to say. Once you find that out, figure out how to incorporate that into your project.

As for advice on technique, source footage, and how to edit properly (i.e. using purchased DVD's and capable software), pleas read HERE to gain an understanding of the basics.

All of that being said, the only way to truly improve is to keep editing, keep refining your technique, and never be afraid to try something new. Everyone had to start somewhere, and the surest way to stagnate is to give up when you see videos that seem almost impmossible to create.

<Fire_Starter> Stirspeare: college=failsauce?
<Stirspeare> Fire_Starter: Electoral college etc.

"Then you weeaboo faggots need to stop thinking that Japan is ZOMG awsmsauce where all ur waifu dreams come true."
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Re: need Constructive criticism

Post by xnamkcor » Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:27 am

Fire_Starter wrote:Too many times, we get people who want a critique, get told what's wrong, and they fly off the handle about how everyone is "elitist", or "out to get them" for some reason.
Hey, it's not my fault they don't get my 7FPS masterpiece using gameplay footage.

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Re: need Constructive criticism

Post by Tanner-kun » Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:57 am

I would suggest trying the keep the resolution of all the clips the same. It shouldn't be hard to find a tutorial about how to do that. HQ episodes look a lot better, I would try to get anime that is subless, at least 720p and wide screen. You dont have too, those are just small things that make it look a bit better. xD I'm not familiar with the program you are using so I cant help too much. Just play around with the effects and stuff try everything figure out what looks good and think of different ways to use things. Try using fades and transitions so it doesn't just cut from one clip to the next. I would suggest practicing beat syncing. When I first started beat syncing was so hard for me. >_< I hated it. XD but now i'm pretty good at it, actually my editing style revolves around beat syncing. Beat syncing is where you like transition the clips at the beat of the music btw, and other stuff like that, to make it look like the beat is effecting the video. well anyway you are better then me when I started. xD It takes a LONG time to improve at editing. Ive been editing for a year now and still suck pretty bad. ^^; one last thing, make some friends. ^-^ friends have helped me SO much and my improvement so far is really thanks to them helping me. You can try auditioning for some studio's MEPs are really funny and good for improving. You will also meet a lot of people that way. I also suggest you get skype if you don't already have it, most people use it and some studio's require it. I probably didn't make much sense ^^ sorry 'bout that, i'm bad at explaining things.

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