Songs used in the CNX Adverts

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Songs used in the CNX Adverts

Post by gogetaz9 » Tue May 27, 2003 6:23 am

Alright to everyone out there.

I'm an anime fan from Scotland and have been watching various animes and shows on the channel CNX. I was wondering if anyone knew what some of the songs they have used for their adverts are ?

Ones I already know are :

"Danger High Voltage!" by Electric Six
"Whatever Happened to my Rock n' Roll" by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
"All my Life" by Foo Fighters

If anyone know that would be great.

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Post by Sushi2 » Wed May 28, 2003 12:30 pm

Sorry I cant answer your question gogetaz9, but to add to that, does anyone know what music is used for the Gundam Wing advert in the UK?


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