Name Of A Song

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Name Of A Song

Post by lucretiadream » Sat Dec 18, 2004 7:50 pm

I looked on all the lyric sites I was familiar with and none of them gave me what I wanted. So I thought I would ask it here. There's a song that has lyrics:
"You can see the road that they walk on is paved in gold, it's always summer it never gets cold."
Maybe not in that order, but I can't remember the name of the song or who's the artists. If you would know please leave a reply. Thanks!

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Sir Bugsalot
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Post by Kalium » Sat Dec 18, 2004 7:52 pm

Fastball's "The Way".

How about something difficult, now?

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Post by lucretiadream » Sat Dec 18, 2004 10:04 pm

Why do people in forums feel the need to be complete jerks instead of helping somebody out by answering a question, simple or not? Most people don't post on forums because of the truthful stereotype of basement-dwelling fanboys trying to make themselves feel important by insulting anyone and everything. It's not even the majority of people on sites; it is the few who ruin it for everybody else.

But thanks anyway for answering the question ^_^

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Sir Bugsalot
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Post by Kalium » Sat Dec 18, 2004 10:36 pm

linkin park luv wrote:Why do people in forums feel the need to be complete jerks instead of helping somebody out by answering a question, simple or not? Most people don't post on forums because of the truthful stereotype of basement-dwelling fanboys trying to make themselves feel important by insulting anyone and everything. It's not even the majority of people on sites; it is the few who ruin it for everybody else.
Sorry, I think you misunderstood the tone. Personally, I happen to enjoy games of 'name that tune' or similar, so I really was hoping for something more challenging.

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Post by lucretiadream » Sat Dec 18, 2004 10:53 pm

Oh, well...I apologize then, when you've been around this place, you tend to get defensive. Well, if you can...when the trailer came out for the movie Perfect Score, they played a song...I can't remember what the words are so that probably doesn't help...but if you know it. That would be amazing. I'm kind of like you...I love the music Trivia thing, but for some reason I couldn't remember that song. Guess it's cause I've never been a Fastball fan...I did however like the song Fire Escape. >_^

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Post by Kalium » Sat Dec 18, 2004 11:00 pm

There are a number of songs in there (I went and watched the trailer), but the song at the end, coupled with some judicious googling, is "On My Way" by Off By One.

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Post by lucretiadream » Sat Dec 18, 2004 11:12 pm

That's the song. Wow, you are good...or I'm just not as good as my friends say I am. Then again I live in Louisiana...not too hard to know more then the people out here. Would you know the title of an orchestra song? It's in the trailer for Finding Neverland. Sorry about the trailer references but I work at a movie theatre and see alot of them.

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Post by Kalium » Sat Dec 18, 2004 11:19 pm

Looking in the IMDB reveals that there's an original piece called "Peter's Song" by Elton John involved, but I doubt they would use the main theme heavily in a trailer.

Some more googling says this: and instrumental version of "Come On" by Ben Jelen.

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Post by nailz » Mon Dec 20, 2004 1:13 pm

linkin park luv wrote:Why do people in forums feel the need to be complete jerks instead of helping somebody out by answering a question, simple or not?
Why don't people grow thicker skin?
Ploink! Magic Cupcake! <a href="">Elvenking</a>. I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome I am.

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Post by mvmarcz » Mon Dec 20, 2004 2:23 pm

she apologized, ok. and some people here can be a little rough unprovoked. like they just wait around for someone to post so they can sting them
if you can't take the meat, get out of the kitchen


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