LEGAL Music Download Site

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LEGAL Music Download Site

Post by Noverca1is » Thu Mar 10, 2005 8:34 pm

Here are several news webpage

Claiming it illegal, losing the battle and now being Legal for the time being.
So read all of them, decide for yourself, but as it holds now, since March 8th 2005, ALLOFMP3.COM is as Legal as a 18 year pie.

This is the first article which claims the site is illegal and whatnot. ... &subj=news

They have until March 7th to Comply:

Follow up of March 7th news: ... m_let_off/

more info:

March 8th - 10th Follow ups:
Legal cause of loophole in Russian Laws, Now will they change thier price for massive popularity the website is gaining. ... &area=news ... 18411.html

However, may be liable for civil suits and whatnot, but clains they are legit and have complied to everything.
If the music artists which to get thier royalties (paid), they must register in russia. Its not allofmp3 fault they arent getitng any money,Hire a Russian lawyer and play the ball, if they are to lazy to do that or dont want to share the money with the russian lawyer, thats thier fault. However, Allofmp3 is playing dirty but smartly. ... 0D06DB85E8

more archives and debates: useful informations: ... 2&from=rss

Now for all U.S users using allofmp3.

The issue for us, is considered by many still Illegal.
now due to our laws and copyrights it is "ILLEGAL".
For an example, If I went to russia, Downloaded the music from thier site (LEGAL) and brought my laptop to America, the Customs CAN CONFISATE AND DELETE or DESTROY the laptop Cause, the second you are in the states, it becomes a COPIED therefor copyright infringment.
Its very weird.
So if the RIAA or whomever wishes to SUE us, the U.S users of they probably can.
However one states as a defence, EBAY, AMAZON.. we buy stuff from overseas and its beiing allowed and LEGAL. How is this differ from anything else?

Amazon Books bought from germany and sent to America is allowed. So, for Check your laws and Use For U.S users, take the risk.
Chances of RIAA attacking downloaders is pretty much a low %.
Since RIAA likes to attacker uploaders, distrbutors, they want to cut the head of the snake and not the body which is the downloaders.
However, that risk is still there.
Im waiting for more "legal law" information for U.S users can be granted safety to use that website. Currently lawyers and many other markets are now all eyes on how they got away with this and will they lead way for new breeds of digital transter information.

My opinion, they might lose in the end, when thier laws get changed therefor affecting the website to close down cause it no longer complies to the loophole they are using which is LEGIT.

So for the meantime, ITS FREE for those who are allowed to use and those who wants to use it taking the risk.

However, I suggest, all U.S users to download the program. DONT DOWNLOAD THE MUSIC ITSELF, however, you have the ENTIRE MUSIC to LISTEN TO FOR FREE.
You must pay to DOWNLOAD but not to LISTEN TO THIER PLAYER!! That isnt ILLEGAL for U.S users!

So before you buy an album, use listen to the entire album, like it? go to your local store n buy it.

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Post by bum » Thu Mar 10, 2005 10:45 pm

The thing is, if you borrow a movie from a video store and a few freinds come over to watch it, your doing something illegal because your distributing it, apparently. Similar thing goes if you let your freinds borrow a cd. A law that isnt enforces isnt a law.

Concerning the music on that site. If you can use the program to listen to full versions of all the music for free, then you can just as easily save the music to your hard disk.

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Post by Otohiko » Thu Mar 10, 2005 10:47 pm

Don't even get me started on Russian digital copyright law. You can probably get away with anything there. I seriously suggest that, should the RIAA get agitated, they move the .org to Russia :lol: :roll:
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Post by bum » Thu Mar 10, 2005 11:24 pm

Nah, i'd reckno china would be a beter place. i mean, they have large shops selling nothing but pirated stuff. Actualy, most shops in china are probably like that.

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Post by Otohiko » Thu Mar 10, 2005 11:40 pm

Yea, but then the .org would have to ban you for making vids that criticize the Party :roll:
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Post by Brsrk » Fri Mar 11, 2005 12:35 am

bum wrote:The thing is, if you borrow a movie from a video store and a few freinds come over to watch it, your doing something illegal because your distributing it, apparently. Similar thing goes if you let your freinds borrow a cd. A law that isnt enforces isnt a law.

Concerning the music on that site. If you can use the program to listen to full versions of all the music for free, then you can just as easily save the music to your hard disk.
According to AOL Time Warner, channel flipping is considered illegal.
According to AOL Time Warner, getting up to get something from the fridge during a commercial break is illegal.
According to Americans, they don't care for commercials, so they see what else is on.
According to me, AOL Time Warner is stupid in saying that because Americans have the first amendment giving them free choice of what to watch and what not to on their TV, but they can't fast forward commercials (TiVO and DVR for this), so the usually look for other things to watch.
According to the commercial making companies, TiVO and DVR shouldn't be allowed to be sold because it skips the commercials, in which lots of money was spent making.

Thats everything I can remember for now...
Pwolf wrote:that music was way to "happy" for an anime as dramatic as the kenshin ova... your an evil evil person :P :up: Pwolf ... hp?v=87528

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Post by bum » Fri Mar 11, 2005 6:32 am

Brsrk wrote: According to AOL Time Warner, channel flipping is considered illegal.
According to AOL Time Warner, getting up to get something from the fridge during a commercial break is illegal.

Thats everything I can remember for now...
Got any links quoting them saying that? (preferably "real" news sites. Would be a damn good laugh)

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Post by Noverca1is » Tue Mar 22, 2005 8:39 am

STICKY THIS PLS: ... p3%20legal?


"Strict copyright legislation

Now for the country that may well have the strictest rules on copyrights, the USA. A thread in the Fatwallet forums brings some light in his confusing subject. We will not bother you with all the details. Here is a concise version of the interesting parts:


“MP3's, OGG's, etc are not illegal in the USA and therefore can be imported. There is also no law against importing music from other countries (including Russia). Because you are buying this legally in Russia and then importing to the USA, this should be 100% legit. For example, assuming that Russian Vodka is illegal to buy in the USA on Sunday, but you buy the Russian Vodka in Moscow on Sunday, then you import it into the USA, you have done nothing wrong. Again, this assumes that 1) it is illegal to buy Russian Vodka on Sunday in the USA 2) it is legal in Moscow and 3) it is legal to import Russian Vodka.”

Title 17 Chapter 6 Sec. 602 of the U.S. Code covers “Infringing importation of copies or phonorecords”. You can find this title here

Subsection (a) tells us:


“Importation into the United States, without the authority of the owner of copyright under this title, of copies or phonorecords of a work that have been acquired outside the United States is an infringement of the exclusive right to distribute copies or phonorecords under section 106, actionable under section 501.”

So it's illegal you may think. But take a close look at sub (a)(2):


“This subsection does not apply to importation, for the private use of the importer and not for distribution, by any person with respect to no more than one copy or phonorecord of any one work at any one time, or by any person arriving from outside the United States with respect to copies or phonorecords forming part of such person's personal baggage;”

If MP3’s, OGG’s etc are in fact considered phonorecords, U.S. citizens can legally buy these as long if they are for private use and not for distribution. If MP3s, OGG’s etc. are not considered phonorecords, no import laws apply. The sections of digital audio recording and sound recording have no mention of importation.

So in layman's terms the bottom line of this discussion is:


Downloading from Allofmp3 is legal for U.S. Citizens, as long as the files are for private use and not for distribution"

Please read the link and DISCLAIMER as well.
There you have it ladies and gentleman.

NO more fear of U.S citizens using allofmp3 I hope.

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Post by Kai Stromler » Tue Mar 22, 2005 8:55 am

The problem is that importation does not apply to transmission of digital files over the internet. If you downloaded the songs in Russia or Germany or Canada, put them on a flash drive, and came over into the US, that would be importation. Importation as it is currently defined applies only to physical media.

What is involved in downloading stuff from the internet is long-distance copying. The originals are not removed from their original place, and an exact copy of the binary string representing the original is written to local media. Under current laws, this is "making an unauthorized copy" rather than "receiving an unauthorized copy", and is illegal.

The import laws do not apply here because no importing is going on. The problem is one of copying. Anyone who can believe differently needs a thorough re-education in how computers work. I'm no fan of the DMCA, but I do believe that people who oppose the ridiculous restrictions on usage under the current system are doing themselves a disfavor by trying to extend endless justifications of why they're not really breaking the law. The DMCA is bad law and contrary to the intent of the framers of the initial US copyright system, but it's still the law. Those who break it should do so forthrightly to make the point that the DMCA is bad law, and as bad law should be removed or significantly amended.

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Post by Noverca1is » Tue Mar 22, 2005 2:35 pm

read the website and DRM, and do a bit more research.
Al the top links will have your answer how it is okay for U.S people to get thier product.


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