try putting the clip in 3D and then put the photoshop created glass effect but like make few layers cause when glass breaks there are tiny pieces breaking away so try puting those in different parts of the 3D space
its kinda hard for meh to explain lol but i ish about to take screen shots of wat i mean in a deathnote AMV i found.
k got emm:
You see in this pic a glass effect now:
look to me i see a bit of difference so as i said before both pics as in the glass and the picture of light are moving in 3D space not like in the same way though there moving differently so if your trying to get a glass effect like the pic u showed there from the same AMV u should be be able to get part of that effect down.
These pics are about a frame or 2 apart
Yea i know i talk to much =P