I've been playing around with this for a bit, but in all the tutorials and guides I've read, this only reasonably works with a solid colored background. How are you supposed to do this with anime? Or are you supposed to mask it first and then use the chroma key?
Sorry, I've never used this before, so forgive me for my cluelessness...XD
Chroma Keying
- Zarxrax
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- xPiikanyaa
- Phail Whale
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Re: Chroma Keying
Yes, chroma keying only really works if the background is all one colour, or two similar ones. Masking will probably give you better results, but it's harder to do and takes longer.
- Kaream
- Joined: Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:20 pm
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Re: Chroma Keying
The reason they say the color green is because that is the furthest color that resembles to human skin color.. But that's not talking about anime..Altrouge wrote:I've been playing around with this for a bit, but in all the tutorials and guides I've read, this only reasonably works with a solid colored background. How are you supposed to do this with anime? Or are you supposed to mask it first and then use the chroma key?
Sorry, I've never used this before, so forgive me for my cluelessness...XD
I've used chroma keyer countless times that made people think motion masked.. Just be patient with it.... I usually use around 3-4 chroma keyers.. But that's depending on how the footage looks.. and it's always a good think to just simply mask the background (not the character) just to avoid as much as distraction possible..