1:1 [MEP Version]

Feedback on betas & works in progress

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1:1 [MEP Version]

Post by Kevmaster » Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:25 pm

I don't remember any thread like this and considering I just recently released an MEP which could need some more feedback, I felt like it would be about time. MEPs often lack serious opinions so I figured we could go ahead and change this!

I'll watch and op everything as long as there are at least 2 editors involved in the project.

(In case you haven't participated in any MEP, I'd OP a single amv of yours too, but I'd rather see this being mep-only)

I personally like to read and write detailed opinions, but do whatever floats your boat. But keep in mind that my opinion will looks similiar to the one you left. If it's only a few words, I'll only be doing a few words as well. If it's a track-by-track-review even mentioning things such as concept, coordination, compilation, transitions, etc. I'll be doing the same.

Looking forward to this! :)


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