This is a 1:1 Opinion Exchange. When I write an opinion, I take my time on it. I will watch/re-watch your video & give you as many good points, as well as potential for improvement as I can! ...I'm also usually pretty generous about scoring (I know a lot of people will generally give out 2's, or 5's on scores.. Which, I think is sad, because it can really lower your general score average

Forewarning though, this is THE LONGEST video, I have ever created... It is 10 minutes/15 seconds (I believe, in entirety) ...This is because I not only used music in the video... I edited together an intro/outro with footage/audio from the anime film I used (Colorful 2010). I honestly don't feel it seems that long, but you have been warned. Also, I feel I should mention that Suicide (by overdose) is brought up in this film/music video... There is absolutely no violence (though there is a scene or two which show the main character being bullied, as well as a scene with him holding a bag obviously filled with pills) ...If for any reason that would be something difficult for you to watch/deal with, then I do not suggest offering an opinion.
But, just so anyone reading this knows up front... My Best Friend died this year, on March 29 2013.. The circumstances surrounding his death aren't clear, but it most likely, may have been suicide... Anyway, he was part of the inspiration in me making the video (& the reason for the song I chose to play, in the message for the viewer at the end). I have also, dealt with depression/thoughts of suicide myself at different times in my life. So, I did not create this video from an unsympathetic view.
ANYWAY, without further delay, here's my AMV! I look forward to seeing your opinions/offering mine in return ^_^ ...P.S. I have limited downloads during the day, but unlimited downloads from 12 AM - 5 AM every day, so I'll most likely be returning opinions during that time

Member: blaupunk_t
Title: Camera One
Premiered: 2013-08-18
Categories: Drama Sentimental Serious
Anime: 'Colorful" [2010]
Song: "Camera One" - Josh Joplin Group
Ending Song: "It's Time" - Imagine Dragons ... p?v=193090