2:1 opinion exchange for Akame ga kill AMV

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2:1 opinion exchange for Akame ga kill AMV

Post by MrMartinozoProductions » Sat Jan 24, 2015 3:58 pm

Here is the video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_YZ0h48avc

This is my first AMV.

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Re: 2:1 opinion exchange for Akame ga kill AMV

Post by Sephirothskr » Sun Feb 01, 2015 2:35 pm

Kinda bored right now, so I'll give it a look over. Here's a video of mine.

I advise against not using shots where the characters are talking, that's known as 'lip flap'. Never looks good except for certain situations. I especially liked some of the more fitting shots you used like at 2:31 ish and 2:45. The scenes at the beginning where the character was dying and bloodied up in the persons arm was also good. But then the lip flap kind of ruined it a bit. With videos like these, especially to such a slow song, you really shouldn't be using action based scenes like in the beginning. The more dramatic scenes like with the flames later on in the video and the pink haired girl walking away would of been really nice for the beginning. Just gotta be careful on scene selection, scene selection can make or break a video in my opinion. Hope I was of help!

Also for future reference, try uploading your video to the org and share the link here on the opinion exchange for some more... Accessible way to submit an opinion. It helps :) just keep at it and you'll get better ^^

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Re: 2:1 opinion exchange for Akame ga kill AMV

Post by knage » Thu Mar 19, 2015 1:20 am

Here's my AMV:

So, as a first AMV, good that their are no subs, and it's clean footage, probably know your stuff before trying to make one I guess.
Though, as a first AMV I still must treat it like another, and this the best I can see is that you had some lyric sync and didn't keep one scene running for not very long, that made it easier to watch. Though otherwise, I think their are problems, one being the mouth. When you make AMVs unless it's supposed to be lip sync you try to use scenes without lip movement because it doesn't help the tone of the video you were trying to set here. Also, everything is hard cuts and not to the beat so It's pretty plain otherwise, no effects or pan or crossfade so nothing much done.

It's the first AMV, understandable, my first had little lyric sync and some beat sync but was overall bad to me, it was guilty of the good parts of your AMV, though I could make a way better one now, and if you still make AMVs you can only get better. So if you took interest keep going.
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