1:1 AMV Feedback | Ed Sheeran Castle on the Hill AMV

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1:1 AMV Feedback | Ed Sheeran Castle on the Hill AMV

Post by wittahimeAMV » Sat Feb 24, 2018 1:37 pm

*I shared the edited version done on 3/2/18*

Hey all!

This is "basically" a finished AMV that I'm looking to get feedback on! I'm using it as an entry for Anime Boston and I'd love to **possibly** *jeesh that's such a far stretch dream lol* make a final...
(I've edited amv's for over 10 years for fun, I took a big break for a couple of years so I got REALLY rusty)

Anyway, I usually tend to struggle with transitions and actual *effects*, story wise I seem to follow a plot ?decently? well.... Also I noticed some of my footage has those black bars on the top and the bottom and no matter what I try to do to fix it nothing works? *sweat drop*

but all feedback would be amazing and I will absolutely give feedback to you as well!

Thanks <3 :cupcake:

Last edited by wittahimeAMV on Fri Mar 02, 2018 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 1:1 AMV Feedback | Ed Sheeran Castle on the Hill AMV

Post by Kireblue » Mon Feb 26, 2018 9:18 am

Hi wittahime, and welcome to the org! |:>

The reason why you have the black borders on your video is because a lot of ghibli movies are made with a resolution slightly less than the standard resolution that you're probably editing with. If you edit with Vegas, the easiest way to fix this would be making sure that your video project settings are a standard 16x9 resolution like 1280x720, and them opening up the ghibli movie in the pan/ zoom menu. Then right click a area within the pan/ zoom window, and select "match output ratio". This will allow you to zoom into the movie so that you can crop off the black borders. But If you try to zoom in without selecting "match output ratio" first, it will zoom in and still keep the borders. Here is a 30 second video guide on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Swx-2jtQR7w . If you're using premiere, its going to be a similar process, but I don't use it enough to tell you the exact steps.

I also noticed that your video has a bit of frame blending (often times called ghosting effects or after images). To fix that in vegas, here is another 30 second video guide on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16NMye2xEJg . Its important to do this for all of your clips before you render them or start a mask.

In terms of your video, I think it was a pretty good song choice for a ghibli AMV. Your video had a lot of good lyric sync, and the mood was pretty good as well. I think the area where your video is a little lacking is its pace. For the most part, your video is the same pace from start to finish, but the song picks up speed numerous times. This causes a slight disconnect between the audio and video IMO. Also, even the slower parts of the song still had a bit of adrenaline in them due to the fast paced drum beat. And so I think that you needed a lot more movement in your scenes so that you could sync to those beats more and mimic some of that adrenaline while still maintaining the mood.

But welcome back into the fray of video editing :lol: . If you ever want some feedback or suggestions before you finish a AMV, feel free to message me. I love beta testing :D

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Re: 1:1 AMV Feedback | Ed Sheeran Castle on the Hill AMV

Post by heptakaidecagon » Thu Mar 01, 2018 12:27 pm

Hi WittahimeAMV,

I'm still a rookie: desultory amvs over the past 8 years or so, recently have tried to actually get things done and enter contests. Making finalist would be amazing!

Here's my opinion, take what's useful and leave the rest:

opening scenes: I like it, beautiful Ghibli, what's next?

clip of San and Ashitaka: seems slightly out of place without any action or obvious background to tie it in with the rest, especially since they only appear once in the video

1:30 - 2:00 I like this section the best. It really ties the song and the footage together, even without having watched every Ghibli movie. Keep this part!

2:01 -2:08 seems like a big change of mood while the music is slightly behind on the mood change, especially after Chihiro "making it home" at 2:00.

2:32-33 last word "hill" I think needs a little more action/emphasis than just a regular crossfade (says the person who uses almost nothing but crossfades) to match the music.

I like the happy resolution at the end, but it feels a little unbalanced that we only see Sophie and Howl; maybe intersperse clips of the others that we've seen in your video?

I really like Howl's castle flying off at the end.

If you have time to give me some feedback on a game music video, I started a thread for it here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=128891

Thanks, and good luck at Anime Boston!

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Re: 1:1 AMV Feedback | Ed Sheeran Castle on the Hill AMV

Post by EpicMango » Sat Mar 03, 2018 7:15 pm

I haven't seen this anime but I like the video a lot. It tells a nice story but maybe when the music starts to pump up do the same with the video. Not sure if I should be giving feedback since I'm a meh editor but yeah that's just my opinion. You have a lot of potential so I think you'll do great in any contest.


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