Okay, its time to get back on topic now ^^, ive made a few modifications to the rules (dont worry nothing serious;actually it may be better, and easier).Well, anyway here are some new/changed rules plz read:
-Ive decided not to say exact videos ive oped, but to instead just go until i hit 2000 i hit that and ive oped 1500 videos.
-Ive also decided to make this thread like the great unbeatable thread "The Critic", so it will basically go on forever.
-I 'think' i wasnt excepting linkin park videos, and DBZ videos to much, but now im going to except all videos, only one thing no american anime (i hate it) oh unless its a comedy kinda a thing using like simpsons or south park or something.
-Also ive made a rule to my self that if i have the time i must sit down every day and op at least 5 videos, at the end of the week if i have any videos not oped then i have to finish them off sometime between friday-sunday. (this way i wont get sniped).
Well enjoy the thread, and i hope in the future i can think of even better rules/regulations
P.S Pm me if you got an idea on that, and plz dont pm me your videos/links because id like it to be all on thread
...Thanks for reading and for that being said..........................................Runs!to op the 5 videos of today, lol...
"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." - Albert Einstein