Yes more of it!
-Please people, post more videos i could've been done 3 days ago since i only had one video... I decided to hold off and op it when I was completely through it, and all the stuff ^.^
-Also right now id like to see some good "Please Teacher" or Onegia Teacher, or Onegia Sensei i think it is... depending on what your country calls it
-Another anime id like to see some of alot right now is "Berserk", i always love "Berserk" videos, but only the good ones ^.^ duh lol.
Bakadeshi [AuN Studios] for "Just another accidental love story ".
A wonderful video, probably the best ive seen so far or tied with the others, very interesting, some of the most amazing and pretty original effects ive seen, love the scenes, and deshi must know i love romance ^.^ So everyone who wants to see an awesome video to raise there spirits then check this one out!!
BDaWiD for "Eva"
A great video, really short, gets the hole thing through you, nice effects, nothing is over done, and it leaves you hanging what -d's- that mean! You gotta buy the anime
lol... If your making a drama video then this is the video to check out.
bote for "Man of Sorrows"
Wonderful video, great anime... Definitely a must see- covers some of the story or of the main character here... wonderful scenes, effects, and transitions!! The song i dont really enjoy but if i was watching video+song it makes the song all the more better! Check this out just for the hell of it
"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." - Albert Einstein