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Post by Kevmaster » Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:28 am

Phantasmagoriat wrote:*throws a 75MB XviD beta at you*
Song: Stand up and Shout
Artist: Dio
Ok, I finished your OP :)

Originality: 9/10 First Thing to mention is of course..That it is a simple Action Vid, so nothing really much of anything extremly originally (just so you know, I'd give 10's for Videos like Tuna or Skittles). But even though it was an action Video it still had something originally for me. First would be the Anime itself. This is the first video I've seen to this anime and I've never seen this anime as well ( I remember I heard of it though and saw it in a magazine once O.o I think..). Next would be your Song Choice, I've never heard the song anywhere before I think, nor do I hear songs like this very often in Videos. The Anime and Song seemed pretty unique to me. Also Most Action Videos I see are almost all only about Fighting, while your Vid mostly seemed to be focused on speed and not much exsesive Fighting at all.

Capture/Output Quality: 8/10 I suppose it's a very old Anime, isnt it? so it's normal that it doesnt look as greta as newer animes. Still...your visual Quality was really good for an anime like this. I am pretty sure this is first past encode, right? The Quality looked already pretty dman good..and I am pretty sure a h264/x264 mp4 Encode would make this look great, so you should do one on your final version =P

Sound Quality: 8/10 I don't really have any Complain about the Sound. It sounded fine to me. Though..it's 160 K/Bits..If it's a CD ripp I suggest you to use a higher Bitrate ( 192 K/Bits seems to be pretty common, while 320 K/Bits would be absolute perfect).

Action / Editing Sync: 9/10 Your Overall Synch was pretty damn Good I have to admit. It was a Vid that focused on speed and you did a really great Job on this. You hit almsot all importan Drum Beats in a Good and not annyoing Way. YOu had a pretty great Flow ove rthe Video as well, there wasn't really anything that disturbed me, except the Beginning...I felt like the ignoring of those Beginning Beats wasn't so nice, lol. I felt like they should have been matched. I have to say, it might be needed the way it is edited to get the viewer into the story (especially like me, cause I have no clue what the anime is about). I felt like..That Dude in the first seconds is a crazy professor and he turned his own son into some kind of robot thing O.o I am not sure if I got it right, but thats how it seemed to me while watching.. Next Thing to mention would be your really great lyric Synch. It's pretty rare to have something like a story, good beat synch and great lyric Sync in an action video, but like I said before..your Vid is not the usual Action vid, it is pretty unique. Overall, great Synched.

Lip Sync: na/10 I havent really seen much lip synch, so i wouldnt really rate it. I've seen some from 1:25 to 1:26 which was really really well done, and it was not just lip synch, it had lyric synch as well, so pretty nicely done and not distracting :lol:
I've seen some Lip Flap at 0:50 though (I dont mind, cause its only one scene, but I think some People will most likely bitch about it)..

Digital Effects: na/10 I dont really see anything that I'd rate as Digital Effect either...There were some Scenes where I though you might have used Masking (1;47, 2:35), but since I've never seen the anime nor anime vids to it, I could be wrong ^^; If it was masking..then it was great, lol. And from 1:40 to 1:45 was this something of an effect :lol: I liked it a lot.

Effort: 10/10 I really hate rating Effort, cause most of the time I just have no Clue how to rate here. But..this time I think your Lyric sync, Beat synch and even though it is fast paced you still bulid in something like a story and to make an action vid that is still unique..makes me think that it took a lot effort..doesnt it?

Overall: 9/10 I already said evertyhing above, lol

Re-viewable: 7/10 I really like song and Video, Action Videos are my favourite Type of Videos and so I enjoy wathcing those the most. But..even though I really like your Video, it doesnt seem to me like I'd become addict to it. I wsnt sure if I should rate it 6 (once a month) or 7 (once a week) ..I decided to rate it 7 then, cause I think I'll wathc this more than once a month, but I doubt I'll watch it that often though 8and I already watched it bunch of times to make sure to have enough to say xD

--> as soon as your have the finished Video up, drop me a PM and I'll leave an Op on the finsihed vid as well, if you'd like me to^^

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Post by Phantasmagoriat » Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:32 pm

Originality: 9/10 yeah^^ I tried to make it different from most action AMVs
10 for Tuna!!! lolz

Capture/Output Quality: 8/10 Just a beta. Its actually a 2003 version. [I already made one using the 80 version ;P]. I blame the source for the quality. They were terrible R1's, but I think the main problem was that they tried to make this version look old by adding film grain etc to make it feel more classic like the older version.
mp4 is a go :up:

Sound Quality: 8/10 Just a beta. :P

Action / Editing Sync: 9/10 Beginning Beats; you mean the first 1-2-3-4, or the drum beats after?[cause I tried internal sync for that, then vocal sync].
The story doesn't matter, as much as you understood there is something going on with a boy and a crazy professor man that sounds bad
the gist of it: That Dude's son died, so he created the robot Astro to replace his dead son, and also wants him to lead the Robots in a revolution against the Humans to take over the world...
lyric sync: thanks, I'm proud of that :D

Lip Sync: na/10 not a lip sync vid is correct... but there are some small parts here and there. 0:50... I'm gonna add a Radio Feedback sound effect there for the final... see my Audio Help thread. PS I also added the stadium crowd.

Digital Effects: na/10 I like subtlety, since I usually find effects distracting. You are right with the masking 0:30, 2:02, 2:36, 3:08. For 1:40-45, I'm glad you liked it-- lots of stuff happen there.

Effort: 10/10 ty

Overall: 9/10 ty

Re-viewable: 7/10 as expected.
--> as soon as your have the finished Video up, drop me a PM and I'll leave an Op on the finsihed vid as well, if you'd like me to^^
Will do, but it probably won't be for a while.

Thanks for the beta op ^^
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