by AniHawk » Mon Nov 07, 2005 4:19 am
*Gives [ Tainted Angel ] a hug and a cookie*
I've got six vids up, I'll give you a quick run-through of 'em:
Trigun: There, There- my first vid and it shows. Was done in a few hours and it shows. Had no plan for it and it shows. You get the idea. Not very good. Uses Radiohead's There, There to Trigun.
Cowboy Bebop Everlong- Kinda fun, actually. Was starting to get the hang of things, though it's generic Cowboy Bebop action.
Lain - Out of My Depth- Uses Everclear's Out of My Depth to Serial Experiments Lain. Video quality aint so hot because iMovies backstabbed me. Kinda interesting to watch. Still getting the hang of things with this one.
Iris- Goo Goo Doll's Iris to Hellsing in a Seras Victoria character profile. Seemed like a good idea at the time, and it was in the top 10% for a while. Looking back, I realize it's pretty sappy/cheesy. Good synching and the technical stuff is my best in this video.
Cowboy Bebop Everlong Redux- A fully redone version of my second video including a more coherent story, better visual and audio quality, and better editing. Uses Foo Fighter's Everlong to Cowboy Bebop.
This is a Final Fantasy VIII video- Uses Seal's Crazy to FFVIII, and I had more fun with this one than Iris. There's about 40 seconds in the middle that are pure filler, but the rest is mostly good.