pen-pen2002 wrote:
*shameless thread hijack*
Really I'd be better off spending less time on reviews. If I did half hour ops I could get as many oppinions as I wanted. I guess it's just a matter of personal pride, I know no one gives a damn that I don't do short opinions, but I take pride in putting a lot of effort into my reviews.
The whole culture of the opinion exchange is very interesting...
Actually, most of my ops usually only take about 30-45 min depending on the level of detail that I get into. Your video took a bit longer, since I decided to look up some related stuff as I hadn't at the time seen the show, or heard the music. I find that the middle, to lower point scale videos tend to be the best for me to work with. For the really high value vids, there just isn't much to add that will help the editor improve, other than to let them know which parts resonated with you better than the others. The most common feedback I get is usually that people prefer to know what worked and didn't on a broad scale, rather than the finer technical points. Possibly, this is because my technical skillz are lack. (or would that be 'whack')
Either way, to 'sort of' stay on topic for the thread, Miss Kitty, try not to stress on speed, but instead if you find yourself in the same situation as PenPen and I, where you owe tons of backlogged ops, just work on them a little at a time, and if the thread is dead (as are my owed ops threads) then just PM the person when you eventually get it. Forcing myself to do ops when I'm not in the mood burns me out, but when I'm in the mood, 15 in a weekend is not a big deal.