1:1 ops (Generous Scores and Detailed Reviews)

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Post by madbunny » Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:52 am

pen-pen2002 wrote:(Interesting that the people who are most worried about geting their rigthful exchange wrote the shortest ops...)

Actually, I think maybe my reviews might intimidate people. On the other hand, by about say... 10 ops, most of the tech stuff is pointed out, and after that I'm more interested in just knowing what was liked or not about a vid.
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Post by chelly_kitty » Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:50 am

Thanks a lot guys for bein patient, I'm still sick *growls* But I'm hoping to at least start the ops this weekend, HOPEFULLY. If not, I'll make a post in this thread. In the meantime, thank you for being so patient, I really appreciate it. *hugs mad bunny and pen-pen!* :D
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Post by pen-pen2002 » Fri Feb 11, 2005 11:52 am

madbunny wrote:Actually, I think maybe my reviews might intimidate people. On the other hand, by about say... 10 ops, most of the tech stuff is pointed out, and after that I'm more interested in just knowing what was liked or not about a vid.
*shameless thread hijack*

It depends on the video, my first and second videos have about the same number of opinions, but I don't really need any more opinions on the first and the second I'm still trying to get more (as soon as I've gone through my frikin backlog...) And then there is the scoring system that encorages more oppinions (I would like to see a video of mine up on the top 10% once.)

As for overlap of oppinions I think a thoughtfull answer always brings something new to your understanding of your own video. The only time a lot of info can be bad is if it's based off a false assumption, or they completly misinterperted the video.

Really I'd be better off spending less time on reviews. If I did half hour ops I could get as many oppinions as I wanted. I guess it's just a matter of personal pride, I know no one gives a damn that I don't do short opinions, but I take pride in putting a lot of effort into my reviews.

The whole culture of the opinion exchange is very interesting...

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Post by ashiteruSweetSurrender » Fri Feb 11, 2005 6:25 pm

I um left an opinion about 2 weeks ago and still no opinion....

I understand if you've been busy but sooner or later my opinion may change...

I'm serious only cause it takes me about 6 hours to download a movie with my dial-up :shock: and I have to wait by it for that long and then opinion... I hope you understand :oops: , I just really want an opinion... and I did my part so, sorry, but, I DID opinion yours :x ...
thank you :lol: and sorry for the demands!,

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Post by madbunny » Sat Feb 12, 2005 3:44 am

pen-pen2002 wrote:
*shameless thread hijack*

Really I'd be better off spending less time on reviews. If I did half hour ops I could get as many oppinions as I wanted. I guess it's just a matter of personal pride, I know no one gives a damn that I don't do short opinions, but I take pride in putting a lot of effort into my reviews.

The whole culture of the opinion exchange is very interesting...
Actually, most of my ops usually only take about 30-45 min depending on the level of detail that I get into. Your video took a bit longer, since I decided to look up some related stuff as I hadn't at the time seen the show, or heard the music. I find that the middle, to lower point scale videos tend to be the best for me to work with. For the really high value vids, there just isn't much to add that will help the editor improve, other than to let them know which parts resonated with you better than the others. The most common feedback I get is usually that people prefer to know what worked and didn't on a broad scale, rather than the finer technical points. Possibly, this is because my technical skillz are lack. (or would that be 'whack')

Either way, to 'sort of' stay on topic for the thread, Miss Kitty, try not to stress on speed, but instead if you find yourself in the same situation as PenPen and I, where you owe tons of backlogged ops, just work on them a little at a time, and if the thread is dead (as are my owed ops threads) then just PM the person when you eventually get it. Forcing myself to do ops when I'm not in the mood burns me out, but when I'm in the mood, 15 in a weekend is not a big deal.
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I am starting, again.

Post by chelly_kitty » Sat Feb 19, 2005 10:14 am

Alright people, here's the news. A couple days ago I started downloading all of your videos (again) and apparently my computer isn't playing AVI's or MPEG2 videos. I don't know why not. I have an AVI codec, I have DIVX, but for some reason they won't play. (I've had this happen before, except it's the reverse, meaning I can play AVI's, but not MPEG's) If anyone knows why this might be, then please post here. In the mean time, I am going to try and wittle down the ops on the videos that I CAN do. (Meaning WMV's and MPEG1's) Like I said, please post ASAP if you have any suggestions on how to get these videos to play. I don't want to not be able to do the ops that I fairly owe. Thanks a lot, and take care

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Post by Brolly345 » Sat Feb 19, 2005 1:04 pm

Try to reinstall all of your codecs. Make sure you dlete the old XviD, or any other one you can delete. I cannot remember the other ones. After that make sure all of your codecs are up to date.

That's all I can think of.

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Post by madbunny » Sat Feb 19, 2005 5:39 pm

x2 delete your old codecs, uninstall what you don't need and reinstall the new versions of stuff.

www.doom9.org for most of what you need.
http://www.doom9.org/software2.htm (to the list)
Also, try using other players for the videos, such as Mplayer classic. (older version of media player without all the bells and whistles works very well)
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