by Xophilarus » Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:57 pm
Ok, I will get to the video, but first I feel the need to address your attitude.
You posted in the opinion forums, therefor, implying you want honest opinions on your video. The first thing I see from you, however, is just a long post of you arguing with someone who took the time to make a well written opinion of your video that highlighted both the good and bad in your video. You do not have to agree with everything or even anything someone says about your video, but what is good for you to do is at least show some respect, which there is none of here. I don't even see a simple thank you. All you do is tell them why they are wrong, which helps nobody. Even if you disagree with an opinion, it is still good to look into and try and figure out why they thought so. Let's take the "pow" for example. I agree with you it is synced, but the lyric is so pronounced, it would have been better to use a scene that really hits it hard. Keep in mind you are new to amv editing and the community so there is a lot for you to learn and that is 100% ok. Even people who have been editing for a long time can improve. It is one of the great things about it. I am sorry if I sounded rude or harsh, but I felt it was important to be said. If you want to talk with me about it more and such, just shoot me a message ^.^
Ok, now for the actual video, there are a LOT of good ideas and things here. You do pretty well with the pacing the song has established, but if there is so much going on for you to sync to then I agree you should focus on hitting as many as you can, without sacrificing overall flow of course. Now this doesn't have to be done by cutting more, it can be done by using more internal sync from the footage and possibly getting creative with VERY subtle effects, be careful about those though.
As far as the lip sync, I'm sorry, but no matter how I look at it, it is pretty weak. Firstly, you argue not everyone says words the same way, but if you speak the words in the song with your own mouth, I highly doubt you would end up with the same shape and width at all. In addition, the timing of the mouth opening and closing on the words does not match up as well. Lip sycing is not hard, but it is tedious so if you don't want to deal with it, it is a lot better for your video to avoid it ^.^ The thing about amvs is, yes it is an art so yes there is no right or wrong way so to speak, but the thing is, when you don't have elements like weak lip sync, it is distracting, and can take the viewer out of the experience, which is the opposite of what you want.
I also agree there is a flow issue here as well. It is good to focus on how you can optimize the harmony between the clips. For example, when it goes from fighting to a kid smiling and talking, it is really jarring and breaks the flow of the video. I also think you would benefit a lot by using "ken burns" in your videos. In my opinion it is the best technique to use in amvs because it automatically increases the flow and pacing of a video with pretty much no effort. Ken burns is where there I'd a slow zoom in or out so that with the occasional up, down, or side to side pans REALLY help.
I hope this helps! Most of the things you have going on are all around goof, just messy is all. I look forward to seeing what you do next!