If you give me a review on one of my two new videos <A HREF="http://www.animemusicvideos.org/legacy/ ... =9093">One Day</A> or <A HREF="http://www.animemusicvideos.org/legacy/ ... =9460">Let It Make Me Strong</A>, I will review one of your videos in return. If you review both, I'll review two of yours^_^
My videos have a new host (one that works) and they can finally be downloaded; they should download pretty fast but warning: they end up with a weird filename when you download them and you're going to have to rename them if you want to know what the heck they are once they're on your hardrive^_^
I wouldn't really suggest watching my Trigun video if you haven't watched the series yet (if you haven't you're missing out; it's one of the best series out there) since it has major spoilers and a lot of symbolism that you probably won't understand if you haven't watched the show. The Ah! My Goddess video should be fine though, I think anyone can relate to it^_^
OK, basically you get what you give: if you write a long, thoughtful review I'll do my best to write one on your vid in return. If you write two senctences, two sentences is all you're going to get; fair enough? If you write an essay, and I don't think I can manage to write an essay on your video, I'll review more than one video to make up for it

1. Has to be a video I hadn't reviewed yet (obviously)
2. It has to have an available download through your own connection(I don't want anything IM'd to me or anything that's just on a p2p program)
3. I have the right to not watch a vid you give me if I don't want to watch it (like if it has major spoilers for an anime I haven't finished watching yet or if it's a hentai vid or something). If this is the case, you can give me your profile link and I'll pick another video.
4. Please don't make the filesize to huge, anything over a ninety MB or so is getting up there.
5. It can be whatever format you want, even the oh-so-hated realplayer if you insist on using it.
6. I'd prefer it if you gave me my review first so I know how long to make yours

7. First eight people to drop their links get the exchange^_^
OK, I think that's all^_^