1:1 Opp for seemingly uncommon music / video sources?
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- Geirr
- Joined: Sat Apr 21, 2001 1:29 pm
1:1 Opp for seemingly uncommon music / video sources?
Here is the SIEVE:
1) Your AMV isn't DBZ, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Evangelion, Trigun, Lain,
FLCL, or Bebop.
2) The music is instrumental, or if it has words, the singers enunciate
clearly and the lyrics conform to the formal grammar of the language.
(This screens out most grunge, metal, country & [c]rap - UNLESS
it's instrumental.)
OK - if you have an AMV, I'll opp it 1:1 - first 5 - 8 takers.
- G
1) Your AMV isn't DBZ, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Evangelion, Trigun, Lain,
FLCL, or Bebop.
2) The music is instrumental, or if it has words, the singers enunciate
clearly and the lyrics conform to the formal grammar of the language.
(This screens out most grunge, metal, country & [c]rap - UNLESS
it's instrumental.)
OK - if you have an AMV, I'll opp it 1:1 - first 5 - 8 takers.
- G
- Geirr
- Joined: Sat Apr 21, 2001 1:29 pm
At this writing, 'Bring me to Life' has over 250 AMVs. So I'd call that OVERDONE, and I'd like to move on to something ELSE if possible. Same guys but different song might be good.Elmoeggs wrote:What about Evanecsence? Are they okay?
But in general, Evanescence falls in among many, in the category called "Sounds awesome 'till they start singing." A -very- good AMV can still salvage the situation; one fine example is the Gundam AMV to Nightwish's "10th Man Down."* However, Nightwish has a hidden card, in that the clear-singing altos are a refreshing change; you go into this tune expecting the inevitable Molly-Hatchet or Rammstein singer to open his yap and ruin it**, but you get pleasantly suprised by a voice who can actually hold pitch - now add the dynamic AMV footage and the contrasts between color and a sepia-treated black-n-white, and you end up with enough overall coolness to excuse the somewhat silly lyrics near the end, that gravelly guy in the middle, and the whole mecha-2-metal-AMV overdone-ness.
* http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... php?v=8101
** http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... hp?v=20143
AnimeGuy420's work here is a good example of a solid, driving tune, done to great AMV action, and -voila- the whole thing's INSTRUMENTAL. This is such a relief that it makes 2nd, 3rd viewings very enjoyable.
- G
PS: Can we avoid WMV's while we're at it? Linux doesn't like proprietary crud.
- Elmoeggs
- Joined: Tue Sep 09, 2003 4:25 pm
- Location: Behind You!
- Geirr
- Joined: Sat Apr 21, 2001 1:29 pm
Your opp is up.Elmoeggs wrote:How about this... Just watch it and tell me if its okay.
"Impossible Love"
Hope you like it.
Good Job.
- Pyle
- Joined: Sat Sep 07, 2002 10:45 pm
FINALLY someone who agrees about the Evanescence crap! Although the idea has been repeated over and over in every single anime known to man, and no one gets tired of it because they are like 'Well I could do a better one then that'.Geirr wrote:At this writing, 'Bring me to Life' has over 250 AMVs. So I'd call that OVERDONE, and I'd like to move on to something ELSE if possible. Same guys but different song might be good.Elmoeggs wrote:What about Evanecsence? Are they okay?
Anyways, now that my rant is done, here is the vid I would like to post. It's a Sonic the Hedgehog AMV with the Matrix Reloaded's 'Chateau' in the background (in my opinion, the best technoorchestra song ever made).
http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... hp?v=26303
The other video I'd like to post is a Final Fantasy X-2 video with Diana Ross's 'If we hold on together', which is a very old and beautiful song.
http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... hp?v=24306
Windows Media movies aren't entirely bad, you know. I used it to create my FFX-2 one and I have a 9.0 average opinion on it.
- Joined: Sat Mar 08, 2003 6:33 am
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Well let's see I do have one that is Gatekeepers 21 to the song Bittersweet Symphony. Song is semi mainstream but does have a bit of variance in the instrumentals and has not been done to every AMV. And well..... the anime is pretty damn obscure when it comes to amv's
And I finally was able to get a decent encode of the full remake. http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... hp?v=26375 I can really care less either way.... Heck I'll do a review for free since it's always a trip to watch a video 10-15 times in a row so you catch every little detail.
But yes I also am all for using more obscure anime in AMV's. Lain has been done to death but heck there's still Key the Metal Idol or Perfect Blue. Trigun is over with the amv's as is Bebop. Okay... why not go to that one classic show with that guy and those girls all wanting him? Okay so that is a few titles... Instead of Gundam and Evangelion, how about Vandread or Raxephon for a mech anime?
Oh and does anyone still actually use Evanscence and Linkin Park and System of a Down in every video? I thought people were finally wising up to that.
And I finally was able to get a decent encode of the full remake. http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... hp?v=26375 I can really care less either way.... Heck I'll do a review for free since it's always a trip to watch a video 10-15 times in a row so you catch every little detail.
But yes I also am all for using more obscure anime in AMV's. Lain has been done to death but heck there's still Key the Metal Idol or Perfect Blue. Trigun is over with the amv's as is Bebop. Okay... why not go to that one classic show with that guy and those girls all wanting him? Okay so that is a few titles... Instead of Gundam and Evangelion, how about Vandread or Raxephon for a mech anime?
Oh and does anyone still actually use Evanscence and Linkin Park and System of a Down in every video? I thought people were finally wising up to that.

<a href="http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... banner.jpg[/img]</a>
- Joined: Sat Mar 08, 2003 6:33 am
- Location: Wisconsin, USA
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Oh yeah..... of your videos I am going to quickly take up on your Das Boot/Irresponsible Captain Tylor trailer. It is an incredible movie and well.... such an interesting choice of anime that I can see legitimately working.
<a href="http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... banner.jpg[/img]</a>
- Vega Sailor
- Joined: Sun Nov 10, 2002 11:47 pm
How about the classic Transformers the Movie, to the song "May it Be", by Enya.
http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... hp?v=28471

http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... hp?v=28471