1. I will review any kind of video.
(Action, Comedy, First Video, Hentai, Drama, Dance, Original, Unoriginal, etc.)
2. Must be Anime related!
3. Limit one video per person.
4. Don't get mad at me for what I say about your video(s).
If I sound harsh, please don't take it as that. Think of it as something to work on with your future video projects.
5. When you post a video for me to review, please post a link to the actual video information.
Example Post:
6. Must be downloadable or tell me how to download the video. (AIM, ICQ, FTP, Website, etc.)Here Comes the Sun
6a. If you want to review any of my other videos, I can send it to you through AIM, ICQ, or MSN. Maybe soon through my website! 8)
7. There is a deadline for posting videos for opinions. Videos posted after the deadline will not get an opinion.
You will have to post it in next months' opinion exchange thread. So you will eventually get an opinion.
8. Post your video links here!
Deadline for this thread is October 31, 2002. Yes, this time it will be for the full month.
I will be doing something special for next months' Opinion Exchange and also for December! 8)
I will not reply to this thread until the day after the deadline.
Here I will post a message and a list of videos that need reviews if I haven't given one yet. 8)