WIP- Kenshin/SoCold Beta Need Ops.

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WIP- Kenshin/SoCold Beta Need Ops.

Post by azurithxeon » Sat Jun 18, 2005 3:36 pm

Okay, so some of you have probably seen the teaser for this vid.
Anywho, I'm near 50% done on the project... {I've only had two days of editing so far, well, really one day...} I know it glitches at the very beginning, so don't post about that. {I left it alone for a reason, as to NOT make it perfect, that's not what I'm shooting for.}

Anyways, I just wanted to know if people liked my work or not.
I've done video editing before, but not anything like this so...

This is my first project. ^.^

(If you haven't seen the teaser you can find it here:)
http://www.freespaces.com/omega/socold_ ... railer.wmv

And here is the WIP Beta:



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