1) I am about to esplode with knowledge
2) After wednesday I will have plenty of free time to do 1:1 or 2:2 opinion exchanges.
The Video I am primarily wanting the opinions on is:
Kingdom Hearts Reunited
Cascada - Everytime We Touch
http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... p?v=115036
and if you are looking for a 2:2 exchange, this is the other video
Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children Trailer
Boondock Saints Theme
http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... p?v=106607
Thanks a lot and I'm sorry if i dont respond until after wednesday, its gonna be a hektik couple o'days.
haha, I wont kill you if you op the second one instead, but i really want op's on the kingdom hearts video.

Thank you