The catch to this whole thing you see is the following. If you fail in delivering the goods I reserve the right to dropkick you in the face. And along with that classify you as a failure of a human being. In short that means I deny you the op and make you cry like a little girl. Now you might say "Aww but what about the noobs who want tap on the shoulder and a cookie?". My answer is simple; If your a noob and/or you're NOT confident about the shit you want to post then for the love of sweet jail bait ass DON'T POST!
Now to add to this a final set of warnings:
- A - I have zero tolerance for noobs.
B - I have High to Insanely high standards.
C - I will rip you a new one.
D - "Presets" and "Tut comps" equal instant kills.
Depending on the video the op might vary from a full rundown to a couple of simple notes. So simply put I reserve the right to make the op as short or long as I please. With that said I have never if not rarely left a op with less then 100 words. So little QC ops are out of the question. Along with that I will stick to only doing 5 ops for now.
So? Are you man/woman enough?