I'd like some honest OPs... one for one. Do three, get one free! (That's equals four on my end). There's five vids to pick from. lol. I can't promise to have your ops up right away, but I will get to them. I always do....with the exception of one person...I forgot! (me so bad). But I'm subscribing, and I check my email at least once a day normally

All the vids are WMM except #1, that one is in trial version of Magix.
1. Technically my newest...but I'm just trying out some software. A quickie...learning cropping and mashing.
2. My newest AMV with some major effort. In my opinion, it's my best one so far. I also used way way way more effects than I ever have. It's suggestive btw...not bad...but the lyrics paired with the images...
3. This one is old, but I lost it in a HD crash. It's super short...I tried to be cute and funny. (TRIED).
4. This one is one I did while I had a major sinus infection going on...I was digging the anime so much I wanted to do an AMV to it. It's kinda trailer-ish and done to it's own opening song. I really did this rather quick too.
5. This one was my strange attempt to be sentimental. It kinda turned into a story AMV. It's rather uh UNIQUE. Open mind please.