The degeneration of anime, amvs, media...

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Post by Otohiko » Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:49 am

Looks like another case of old-timer's disease.

Don't worry, every generation has theirs - "omg, it's not like the good old days anymore!" - and yet I dare say most people don't look hard enough at the "good old days" to realize they actually sucked just as much.

One reason for that is selective memory. Piles of bad or mediocre stuff get forgotten over a few singular good or amazingly bad titles. Another reason, as mentioned above, is 'growing out' of it. Some people just need more and more, become jaded by old favorites, and simply become close-minded.

Meanwhile most of everything tends to actually get better over time. Anime especially.
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Post by OropherZero » Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:32 am

umm are some of you people crazy, 2007 is by far the most enjoyable anime experience i have had for the past 7 or so years, there are just too many good new animes out there, see the series discussion threads for current hypes, what these animes have which old animes like NGE (sorry i really hate this anime i should add Kare Kano to the list but i enjoyed it until the recaps took over, fortunately the manga still remained good until the end), anyway new animes have:

better animation

better characters/plot

more variety, ie, different companies end up making different types of animes

better everything basically :/

i just dont understand why people keep making AMVs to some things over and over like FLCL, NGE, Bebop, i think the majority of the viewers dont watch anime until after they are licensed and on dvds, and unfortunately because of this they can never keep up with the hype and are forced to use the same old 'classics'.

anyway this is just coming from me, you should note that i have never enjoyed and never will like the following anime:
NGE + the movies, bebop, soultaker, hellsing, Akira, Ghost in the Shell movie, ninja scroll... yeah you can see what im getting at =P

while my list of most enjoyed animes just increases every year =|

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Post by OropherZero » Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:35 am

actually delete where i wrote:

i just dont understand why people keep making AMVs to some things over and over like FLCL, NGE, Bebop, i think the majority of the viewers dont watch anime until after they are licensed and on dvds, and unfortunately because of this they can never keep up with the hype and are forced to use the same old 'classics'.

i left myself too open there for flames =P at the end of the day what works for the song regardless of new or old animes, is acceptable so i take back what i said there =O

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Post by kiarrens » Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:33 am

BasharOfTheAges wrote:**insert statistics about how much anime reaches us now vs 10 years ago because of the digisub movment and how there's always been tons of crap in the mix but anime companies have only reciently seen how much money they can make and are now liscensing said crap en masse here**

My own view is that at least the anime companies are making marginally more of an effort than major Hollywood productions to be at least semi-original.
Yeah, in anime we've got a plethora of high school schools, giant robot shows, and ninjas, but it seems to me that Hollywood's about 50 times worse. :\
Buddy cop movie!
Comic book adaptation movie!
Gory horror flick in which big-busted female heroine saves the day!

It's the nature of modern media. I believe one of my college English professors said it best: "There are only 10 main plots in the world. All stories are just taking those plots and spinning them in different directions."
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Post by ZephyrStar » Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:59 am

I can say that I'm not really moving away from anime per say, because I still watch a lot of stuff, and I'm the same way with AMV's, I still love the community and watch people's vids....but my ultimate goal is to make animation of my own, always has been. AMV's are just kindof a proving ground for me. I mean, I'll not stop making them, but I guess I don't have that many good ideas for videos using existing source, so they're few and far in between.

On the other hand, I think I've gotten some pretty neat story stuff going on for original animation, the key now is organizing a viable story and doing it. (I'm not referring at all to daydream, cause I hate the animation in it :O) And hopefully when I do a short animation or somesuch you'll see why.

The thing I'd hate to see I guess is for ALL new anime to fall into the same old boring mold. And I mean, this does happen a lot, it will continue to happen, but there are those gems here and there that keep persisting. I dunno if we'll ever see a season or two where EVERYTHING sucks. It's kinda the same with AMV's. Lots of bad videos, many decent videos, a few gems. Guess it's that way with most things/hobbies.


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Post by The Wired Knight » Mon Jun 11, 2007 11:29 am

Anime isn't really changing in my opinion, all the bases are still there, rather I think it's my tastes that have changed a lot. Though original shows pop up now and again there are a lot of cliché genres (I got sick of harem anime years ago) that rely on the same mechanics and cardboard characters again and again. For that matter I find myself growing increasingly unforgiving to poor animation which can be a real distraction to me in a show.

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Post by kiarrens » Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:13 pm

Oh god, harem anime... Yeah. I refer to those as having "Tenchi Syndrome." Got tired of that genre after... well, Tenchi. Which was the first anime I ever really watched start to finish. :)

Still, there are some shows lately which can spin a genre. I rather enjoyed Ouran HS Host Club, because it wasn't just a harem anime, it was a harem anime jumping up and down waving its arms and screaming at the top of its lungs, "HEY HEY LOOK AT ME I'M A HAREM ANIME!" It was almost a parody of the genre... but with a unique story and interesting characters. IMO, anyway. :)
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