which anime series would you say needs the most criticising?

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Post by Sephiroth » Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:17 pm

CodeChrono wrote: Final Fantasy VII AC: Don't get me wrong, I'm a FFVII fan, but I was just not impressed with this film. Sure, it was nice and shiney, but the overall plot was weak, characters seemed out of character, and Aeries is still dead. :evil: I digress. X_X
Don't forget lack of beleivability, i sure as hell would have loved to have been able to jump 20 miles instead of taking 5 minutes climbing up and down the god danm MAko core. Squares move towards making things super real looking just ruined the charecters who were designed to be simple so they could be modeled. Ever since the first final fantasy movie ive started to hate everything squares been making.

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Re: which anime series would you say needs the most criticis

Post by 76 » Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:40 pm

vivaldiscool wrote:
BoJoLo wrote:I believe that the show One Piece needs it the most. Reason I say that is that they have way too many puns. :x
you watched the horrid 4kids dub, and there's not a shread of original dialog in that, Original= 0 puns :wink:

Seriously though, hearing that 4kids had picked up one piece realy made me do a double take. I mean, there's certein shows that I wouldn't mind them dubbing, simply because they're already geared to a younger age bracket. I don't know what they were thinking by picking up an adult (by western standards) anime, just because the animation uses brighter colors then usual. dumbing one piece down by the amount they wanted just killed it. They skipped over 70 episodes and several important story arc for not much reason at all. they changed all guns (and there's alot) to toys, they even made they marines use freaking water guns. :!:

the original had more blood than naruto & bleach combined. But 4kids won't even allow bruises to be shown. And something that irks me almost more then anything else, NO charecter is allowed to die in the forkids dub. Things that are important to plot or a charecter's personality are trashed. Things changed from "Kids! Run! I'll kill the b@st@ards here!" pirate knockes away gun and breaks the womans arm. "You'll be a good example to the rest of the village." procedes to gun her down in front of children. to (in calm vioce)"run away kids, I've got things under control." Pirate knocks away shovel (not a gun, a shovel.) The womans arm is ok, but she writhes on the ground anyway since she lost her shovel."you'll make a great example to the village." the pirate says. "I'm going to... THROW YOU IN MY JAIL! BWAHAHAHA..." the pirate is just pointing at the woman, but she has a odd look of agony on her face as she randomly convolses and falls to the ground because she's being thrown in jail by a bunch of pirates.

Such stupidity is rampet through out the 4kids dub (not to mention several main charecters who are essentially changed into retards.) /rant.

Sorry, I'm actually not a mindless fanboy, it just tics me off when people (usually naruto fanboys, though not always.) criticize such a populer anime based on a absurd dub.

As for what I would critisize... idk, I like naruto, but the legions of fanboys kinda turn me off, And then there's Heroic age, which was pretty good, but was kind of a disapointment to me given how highly it was recomended.

I followed the 4kids for awhile, then I got pissed at the shitty-shitness of it.
Then, one day while browsing my local book-store, I picked it up, and BAM, I was hooked on it, because the story made SENSE!! and the character dialogue wasn't complete trash. Not to mention that all my beloved blood and action were there!!

Amen to manga, and DOWN with 4kids + anime.
They should stick to american-made stuff.

I'm not 100% anime, if I like something I watch it. If I don't I don't, 4kids should understand that there are more like me and they don't need to butcher anime in the hopes of getting more viewers.

(I sure hope I'm posting this in the "criticizing anime" thread. (to those of you who read the caps section))
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