KOR is unlicensed, a must see ep 1 at animesuki

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KOR is unlicensed, a must see ep 1 at animesuki

Post by Sukunai » Sat Mar 08, 2008 1:41 am

A friend told me that Kimegura Orange Road has gone unlicensed for North America, and as such a new release of ep one was at animesuki.

Now I already have KOR on dvd, but, he told me the ep has some commentary on the early days of the show back in the early 90s.

They added some content to chuckle at, some remarks about the anime fansub scene, and the quality of the content for the time. It was really nostalgic to once again see how dreadful the stuff really was, and yet we loved it.

I have to admit, KOR occupies a special place for me. No it wasn't my first anime, nor even my 10 to 20th (well maybe it was in the area of 20). But KOR is the first anime that really got to me.
I watched the show (after having had it for like a long time) all the way through including the two ender movies. God was it ever heart wrenching watching the problems between the two girls. And the first movie was all the more so. And the second movie with the happier resolution took several years to finally show up.

I can only imagine what it must have been like back in the "took forever to arrive" days of vhs fansub copies with their very bad looking image clarity.

We sure have it good today.
Anime, one of the few things about the internet that doesn't make me hate the internet.


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