Digimon DVDs

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Hiro The Dragon King
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Digimon DVDs

Post by Hiro The Dragon King » Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:19 pm

I'm looking for a place to buy the DVDs for the first two Digimon series and its movies. CDJapan, Amazon, and eBay have all turned up useless. If anybody has a suggestion I'm all ears. My main criteria is that I don't want to pay $10 an episode.

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Re: Digimon DVDs

Post by NeoQuixotic » Fri Mar 20, 2009 11:10 pm

There has never been an official release of any complete seasons in the US. I have seen a complete season 1 and 2 from a company called Alliance Entertainment. Now Alliance Entertainment is a real company in the US, but I doubt they have the rights to distribute Digimon. Plus, looking at the reviews it seems like the quality is so-so. So it seems that we have a US bootleg instead of a foreign bootleg. The only official releases I've seen were some VHS tapes and a single DVD containing the first 13 episodes of season 1. The only movie released to DVD was the bastardized version that combined several into one. The fourth was dubbed, but was only aired on TV. I did notice that Direct2Drive has season 2 in Japanese with subtitles at $1.99 an episode or $80 for all 50. However, these are DRM'd WMV files with only 2 activations, so its up to you want to deal with that bull crap. Also, Crunchyroll has season 2 available for streaming (not all viewable depending on membership) and buying DRM free subtitled episodes for $1.99 each. Sadly, Digimon seems to just have not been popular enough. It annoys me to see Pokemon getting nice boxsets, while Digimon gets ignored. There is the $500 region 2 boxsets, but obviously too expensive and no subtitles.
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