Anime In say... 500-1000 years?

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Re: Anime In say... 500-1000 years?

Post by mirkosp » Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:26 pm

Minimoto wrote:
mirkosp wrote: Anime: the oldest hobby of the world?
Only after sex.
That's not so much of hobby as a necessity to let humanity live on.
But I degress, back on topic now:

Anime industry is dying right now, or so do some prominent studios say. In any case this fall season has half of the shows that were broadcasted last year, if that's any sign of a decline.
Selling figures aren't exactly going to fill people with hope either due to the numbers lowering...

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Re: Anime In say... 500-1000 years?

Post by eventcrasher » Tue Nov 24, 2009 5:49 am

we dont know if we would be living by that time and if the world would be there! Why worry about the anime in 500-1000 years! :lol: Just have fun watching the anime which is available now.

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Re: Anime In say... 500-1000 years?

Post by JimMask » Tue Nov 24, 2009 6:44 am

yeah it might happen but I think those traditions will be in touch because they are some valuable cultures.

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Re: Anime In say... 500-1000 years?

Post by Malificus » Thu Dec 03, 2009 4:25 am

In the future all anime will be:

pre-apocalyptic historical-fiction gun punk war dramas

post-post-apocalyptic high school anti-harem romance comedies where 1 man must find true, monogamist romance, fighting back the societal pressure to sex as many women as possible

fantasy shows where magic never existed. acting as political commentaries on how limited resources would alter the world the people of the future live in.

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Re: Anime In say... 500-1000 years?

Post by Sukunai » Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:38 pm

Hmm seeing as I was present at the time, I should mention that most visual forms of entertainment are not even 100 years old for the most part.

I grew up thinking a black n white 13 channel TV was pretty much modern.

In 500 years?

I suspect that in 500 years, providing we haven't done something VERY dumb as a species, and if Mother Nature hasn't finally gotten tired of people saying 'oh that will never happen', that the human race likely will have created forms of 'entertainment' which likely will exceed the collective imagination of our forum community :)

Can you imagine being able to render an artificial form of entertainment all through the power of direct input to the brain?
Not requiring the need for any actual form of hardware other than what was playing the signal to your brain. Being able to actually 'feel' like you were actually PART of the anime.
Anime, one of the few things about the internet that doesn't make me hate the internet.

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Re: Anime In say... 500-1000 years?

Post by 76 » Sun Dec 06, 2009 8:52 pm

Music and dance are well over thousands of years old.

The only diffference I foresee are where anime comes from, and it's status among other media.

There'll be online communities critiqueing others' actual anime productions.
Everything came from nothing, therefore everything is nothing.

There's nothing to worry about.

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Re: Anime In say... 500-1000 years?

Post by Revenant Death » Sun Dec 20, 2009 5:42 pm

Sukunai wrote:Hmm seeing as I was present at the time, I should mention that most visual forms of entertainment are not even 100 years old for the most part.

I grew up thinking a black n white 13 channel TV was pretty much modern.

In 500 years?

I suspect that in 500 years, providing we haven't done something VERY dumb as a species, and if Mother Nature hasn't finally gotten tired of people saying 'oh that will never happen', that the human race likely will have created forms of 'entertainment' which likely will exceed the collective imagination of our forum community :)

Can you imagine being able to render an artificial form of entertainment all through the power of direct input to the brain?
Not requiring the need for any actual form of hardware other than what was playing the signal to your brain. Being able to actually 'feel' like you were actually PART of the anime.
This. *nods*

...assuming we don't destroy the planet first. One well placed nuke right in the heart of the rain forest or a sufficient enough toxic spill to wipe out most of the phytoplankton in the ocean would be more than enough to wipe out most all life on the planet.

Speaking of the future though, I've been having odd dreams lately about, what I assume, is the future. In one of the dreams all the buildings were hovering about six inches off the ground...not sure how exactly, but I guess the idea was that it made them immune to earthquakes and such...and I guess could also be moved around like that.

In another dream I had, I somehow invented a suit that could turn kinetic energy into electrical energy...which was really fuckin cool. Like if you hit it with a baseball bat it would produce little electrical discharges all around the impact point. And then if you shot at it with say a gun it would release a kind of lightning bolt of energy in response to it...very cool stuff...don't remember how it worked though. : (
lbh unq n fvt ohg V ngrq vg ;_;

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Re: Anime In say... 500-1000 years?

Post by jkey004 » Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:13 am

i like 3d its very interesting software,its gave a freedom of creativities.

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Re: Anime In say... 500-1000 years?

Post by taigachan » Mon Dec 21, 2009 10:03 am

Minimoto wrote:500-1000 years? The world would have been destroyed by nuclear weapons already. All it takes is one person to start another WWIII, this time though, we have bigger and more destructive bombs.
I think so too...the way we're doing things...

I guess if nothing happens anime'll mute into another source of futuristic images (maybe the music/image stuff used in Futurama???)
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