Hmm seeing as I was present at the time, I should mention that most visual forms of entertainment are not even 100 years old for the most part.
I grew up thinking a black n white 13 channel TV was pretty much modern.
In 500 years?
I suspect that in 500 years, providing we haven't done something VERY dumb as a species, and if Mother Nature hasn't finally gotten tired of people saying 'oh that will never happen', that the human race likely will have created forms of 'entertainment' which likely will exceed the collective imagination of our forum community
Can you imagine being able to render an artificial form of entertainment all through the power of direct input to the brain?
Not requiring the need for any actual form of hardware other than what was playing the signal to your brain. Being able to actually 'feel' like you were actually PART of the anime.
Anime, one of the few things about the internet that doesn't make me hate the internet.