How come so many people want to bang Asuka????

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Post by MorningSon » Sat May 03, 2003 10:57 pm

Umm hate to burst your bubble but like 90% of what frued proposed has been completly disgarded and really none of it was ever belived that much.

The problem was that he relied to heavily on case studies and alot of his own issues were projected onto his patients.
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Post by Propyro » Sat May 03, 2003 11:30 pm

MorningSon wrote:Umm hate to burst your bubble but like 90% of what frued proposed has been completly disgarded and really none of it was ever belived that much.

The problem was that he relied to heavily on case studies and alot of his own issues were projected onto his patients.
well dosen't that suck ... going to have yell at my philosophy teacher for not doing a better job of expl;aining frued ... but then again what can she do in 2 days ...

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Post by MorningSon » Sat May 03, 2003 11:50 pm

yeah 2 years of psych courses have drilled the fact that frued was mostly wrong into my head :-/
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Post by kthulhu » Sun May 04, 2003 12:58 am

Wasn't Freud the one who carried around a little walnut box with cherub engravings, that contained several pieces of velvet-wrapped fecal matter, so that he could eat feces at restaurants?

Or am I thinking of some other Victorian psychologist?
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Post by MorningSon » Sun May 04, 2003 1:09 am

o_O yeah i don't think it was him
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Post by Kelin » Sun May 04, 2003 1:10 am

Freud actually contributed alot, but all we ever hear about is the oedipal stuff, the repressed homosexual stuff, and the id, ego, and s-ego, stuff, and those three are the major ones that haven't held up. Then of the smaller stuff, some was actually good, and some was way wrong. The whole belief that cocaine is good for you was definitely wrong. Oh, and Asuka... I thought she was only a fourth Japanese, or am I wrong and confusing her with another... who knows why so many want to do her? She has a strong personality, she's hot, she was introduced with that one scene, really self-confident, and, oh yeah, best of all, red hair. Ever notice how in anime the color of a character's hair reflects their personality? Every anime chick with red hair i've seen is really outgoing, not restraind too much, and maybe that's what is attractive about Asuka. Also, all the girls with blue hair are shy, and timid? Red and Blue, two opposites, like Asuka and Rei. Also Eva was the first anime I saw, so Asuka being the first hot Anime chick I've seen might be a little bit of an influence on why even i like her too, although less and less each time I see her. She seems to get meaner each time...
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Post by dwchang » Sun May 04, 2003 1:34 am

MorningSon wrote:Umm hate to burst your bubble but like 90% of what frued proposed has been completly disgarded and really none of it was ever belived that much.

The problem was that he relied to heavily on case studies and alot of his own issues were projected onto his patients.
DING DING DING! Although his theories were intersting...and sick :-P
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Post by dwchang » Sun May 04, 2003 1:37 am



Honestly, this thread is starting to disturb me...rather the fact that so many ppl feel the necessity to justify their wanting to "bang" asuka. Do you guys really need to write it down to justify/rationalize it to yourself? If you are into that thing go for's a free country if not...then that's fine too. I honestly find the discussion not even that since it's a personal taste weird as it can be.
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Post by kthulhu » Sun May 04, 2003 2:13 am

I vote this thread be hijacked into a discussion of classic psychologists. I'll start.

Going off of my earlier question, if Freud did eat feces, were they specially "harvested" from certain individuals to satisfy a psychological requirement/fetish, or did just anyone's feces do, so long as they were of sufficient length and consistency?

And would a cherry box have altered the fecal flavor?
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Post by Chaos Angel » Sun May 04, 2003 9:02 am

kthulhu wrote:Going off of my earlier question, if Freud did eat feces, were they specially "harvested" from certain individuals to satisfy a psychological requirement/fetish, or did just anyone's feces do, so long as they were of sufficient length and consistency?

And would a cherry box have altered the fecal flavor?
Of course a cherrywod box would alter the flavor! The aroma of the casing is what gives feces their distinctly succulent flavor. It's like wine or beer. The casing gives flavorto the final product.

Me, I like to smoke my feces with hickory wood to give it that subtle flavor, and I keep it in a case made entirely from almond trees to give it just a hint of nutty goodness.
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