Wow, fantastic set of questions.I do have some questions though...
Do intend to animate by scanning the images in and using a program like premiere?
How do you intend to animate it? I've really only got vague ideas on how you would do this
Wouldn't it be easier to start with an online manga and then work up to an anime if engough interest was generated?
Is there somewhere I could go to obtain more info on this project?
How much time on a daily/weekly basis do you estimate people being asked to contribute?
How do you intend to distribute the finished project?
Are we talking about an entrie series or just a couple of OVA's?
1 & 2. Animating is being questioned right now. A new member of the group has a parent that does product commercials so he has very nice info on how to animate. The way things seem... we will start as a Doujin and turn it into an anime later on when we get enough funding.
3. Yes, but instead of an "Online Manga", which will already drain up the little funding we have due to buying server space, etc., we are planning of doing published Doujin manga's like how many of the succesful anime's today started. A Doujin, if attracts enough customers, will help us with fundings, and will serve as a way to prove to larger companies that we have talent and determination, and we mean business. Ways to attract customers through ad's, etc are being planned as we speak.
4. Lol, sadly, our current objective is gathering p a crew... no topic or theme is laid down. It has only been a day and a half since the project has been launched... and people are having great responses to it. If you need any info, feel free to e-mail me at
5. Dedication is what we will need more than funding because none of us are getting paid to do this till we get it done. We all share a common vision, and we need all the dedication and hard work each member can spare. I myself am even putting money from my own pocket into this whether it succeeds or fails... if no one else helps, I will get this done.
6. The finished project will be published, copy writed by the whole crew which we will come up with a Tm name once we get the crew together, and then it will be advertised... how else could u sell something? I'm sure that even people that are reading this messege board as we speak will help with this issue. I mean, they sound like they buy tons of animé and are very dedicated into the anime industry... so I'm sure at least a few would go out and buy the finished product just out of curiousty if not anything else...
7. Well.. can't really tell u this right now. This, yet again, depends on the determination of our crew. We'll get it going as far as we can as long as we can.
By the way, u'r CGing on your pictures are very nice... and a few of us can actually CG or yet again, color at all. So you are more than welcome to join us.
Yet things like Hoshi no Koe are capable of being made by one person on a home computer....
Very sad but potentially true...